They Lived In Completely Different Worlds

The rest of Brennan's visit flew by in a blur after that. Talori had such a good time that she really didn't want him to leave but he had to get back to work. He wouldn't be able to come for as long next time since he had used up a lot of his vacation days and she wasn't terribly happy at the reminder.

"When will I see you again?" she asked as he was about to fly up to the boat waiting for him. 

"I'm not sure," he hedged. "Maybe the next tear exchange? Sooner if you need me for something that can't be done over video call." 

Talori may have to come up with some sort of excuse to make that happen. She would have to think about it later. She didn't want to go another three months without seeing him in person. 

She nodded before hugging him tightly. "Take care, Brennan." 

"You too."

"And say hi to everyone for me!" 

"I will."