Chapter One Hundred Three

The doctors came out of the room an hour later, avoiding eye contact with everyone that tried to seek it. They didn't look like they were harbouring any good news, but they had to deliver it nonetheless. After a moment of painstaking silence, a voice spoke from the group of people that waited on the information, "How long will you keep us in the dark? Tell us already." Most didn't dare look at the Werewolf King as he spoke to the man.

He wasn't one for patience when it came to his daughter and he was most certainly not going to show any today. Cole sat with his two friends along with Sandra in the same seat he'd occupied for nearly two hours. Exhaustion along with the heavy sense of failure racked his body, doing nothing for his mental fortitude. He'd been silent the entire time and never answered a question that he was asked. This told the rest to give him the space he needed and avoid trying to make any small talk with him.