Chapter One Hundred Seventeen

"And here I was thinking that you would be working on a cure rather than a plague for once in your life," she retorted, rolling her eyes at the god's petty hobby.

"Oh, my son, dear Asclepius is the one who's always handling the cures. Trying to prove to his father that he can undo every type of cruelty I set on the humans. Sometimes I think that boy is delusional about my love for him. Doesn't he realise I'm making him greater?" the gods twisted logic failed to worm its way into Seth's mind. He simply couldn't understand what Apollo was getting at.

"Do these puzzles ever get you closer to your son? I'm sure he just loves the humans a bit more than you'd like to accept," Celeste tried.

"I would only accept your opinion if you assumed the form of you that I respect. So… 'Celeste,' get on with it… As you can tell, I am quite busy," he said. Seth was wondering what was going on between the two of them considering they were supposed to be siblings.