Chapter One Hundred Forty Two

Katie found the Den amusing. It was nothing like what she'd done back in Brigadia. The hunters would hang out in their own section, but they still had to bring their food from the cafeteria. This was different for Katie since Sandra was the one always doing that bit of work (after she'd insisted to treat her mentor as such, of course). 

Katie pulled the human girl close to her and took a seat on one of the many tables that littered the place. Crysta cringed at the choice of table and cleared her throat to speak, "That table is beneath your stature. The top werewolves get to sit there," the girl pointed off to a raised, secured section. The walls in that part of the den were coloured a dark chocolate and the tables well varnished. 

Luxurious sofas were arranged around a long expensive table with one at the very end of it covered in small gems carefully placed in intricate designs. "That's a bit overkill, don't you think?" Katie asked.