Her Name Was...

The boy spent his time cleaning his father's office, putting away the bottles and trash lying around. He arranged his father's desk in the best way that he could.

After having paid attention to the matters the beta alphas often discussed, he found that some of the documents on the king's desk were of things that he'd heard about.

Cole arranged the work into piles of finished and unfinished. There were those he tried to go through on his own, leaving drafts of his solutions in the finished pile and others he arranged in a way the king could go through as fast and efficiently as he felt possible.

Things he didn't understand at all got their own pile as well. When he was done, he sat on the sofa on the other side of the king's desk and nodded off from waiting for the king to wake up.

The king woke up moments later to an organised office with his head pounding in pain. Before he could appreciate what had been done for him, he saw the boy sleeping on the sofa.