Over the Edge

"When I woke up next, I had a pounding headache and everything was spinning. At first, I didn't know what was happening. My memory didn't return as fast as I would have wanted it.

So, I thought we were all there together. Those were the other two voices I was hearing. Ginger was talking to me. Bree was yelling and nothing was making sense, but then… It started to make sense when I saw Ginger standing over me with no chains holding her," Crysta described.

"She was the one that had organised everything. At least that's what I had expected. She was sure of her mission. So sure that she told me how everything was supposed to play out. How she was planning on using the rogue to… to kill Lina the moment she came to save me."

"Rogue… there was no rogue when we saved you yesterday," Honour said to her.