Separate Entity

After Artemis's explanation, King Hamedale calmed down. They'd both been fighting in honour of their goddess with only their different opinions to blame, "I don't mean to be a bother, but the whole purpose of this curse that brought my kind was to wipe out humanity. Without that purpose, what happens to us then?"

The goddess smiled, "I've been thinking of something. Humans are flawed in so many ways, but every once in a while… once in a blue moon, there is a union amongst them that's so perfect that even the gods in the heavens above watch in awe. I want that to be the case for my wolves albeit more frequently.

Perhaps there can be happiness born from the darkness that brought this curse upon the world of mortals. I want to pair them the right way so that they never have to go through the pain humans go through when pursuing what they keep mistaking for love," she explained.

"That feels totally beside the point, but please, do go on," the king replied, sighing.