Birth of the Rogue King

Rana gasped out of his unconscious state, his mind a muddled mess he could barely unravel. The beta alpha couldn't remember much after he'd been ordered to...

*Thrum thrum…* went the throbbing headache that dulled all his other senses with a ferocious vengeance. His memories were once more… blended into a dizzying mess. The beta alpha clutched his head in pain, dismissing the slippery sensation of his hands sliding against his skin. Somehow, the sensation was… expected.

When he tried to remember the little human brother he had growing up, he would get confused when that little brother's face suddenly glitched and was replaced with that of a young Hamedale before glitching back.

Rana shook off the confusion, trying some other way to find his bearings. This time, the smell of blood hit his nose like a drug. His eyes finally shot open and he forced himself to sit up.