My! How the Tables have Turned

  The cracks were now quite pronounced and spread out to the distant front of the steep escarpments which was where the prince was supposed to be going. Further ahead, it looked as though the Mountain pass would cave in at any moment, however, this was not the same for the back of the gorge. 

Coincidentally, Drake was standing at the centre of this chaos, his destination riddled with uncertainty, yet the start of the gorge still looked perfectly safe. 

Looking back, the prince could see that he'd already run a decent distance, however, it was nothing compared to what he had left to travel. 'Is there some other way to cross the mountains without going around them? That trip would be far too long and I'm sure my speed devil of a sister could make it in much less time than I ever could…'

"Ugh, why do you have to be such a worthy adversary, Lina?" he screamed internally. To the standby observer, this large black and white wolf was howling in frustration.