Cherishing the Little Things

The scent of fresh morning dew hung in the air, the warmth of the rising sun against the skin, and the slightly cold breeze that announced the changing seasons. These natural subtleties of nature didn't go unnoticed by the still king that seemed deep in thought.

Lately, Cole Lycaon had begun to take note of the little things in life. He now knew the serene calmness that came to one who walked through a meadow and let their thoughts wander.

…the delight one could take from something as simple as reading a book to ease the mind.

Now the king stood in front of three grey headstones that were starting to change colours with time. The trio of headstones were some of the newest in the cemetery. Despite that, they were already starting to grow moss at their bases. With minimal maintenance, they could be kept looking good without disturbing the resting place of their loved ones.