War with Herself

"You probably haven't noticed but you've been here for an hour and a half. Since you're going to go through a sauna and have massages, then you're not making good time here," Delila chuckled, her melodic voice ringing like bells in the air.

'What sorcery is this?' Honour wondered, 'We only just got here.'

Just when she thought this couldn't get any weirder, Delila held up a clock so they could confirm what she was saying. They had indeed spent a lot of time in the water without even realising it.

The girls gave up their protests and followed the three ladies to another room full of massage tables. They were eight by Honour's count and only one was being used.

The walls of the room had been expertly designed to mimic the lively greenery of a forest, with a waterfall painted on one side of it. A few storks were wading through the calm waters at the river bank.