Pathetic... that's the word

"It's a possibility. I was proposing we hunt and gather some wood, then make our way to the creek. We stop moving at dusk and make camp. We don't have to be moving a quick pace but I don't like the idea of us being too close to this place either," the princess's suggested.

Wyatt was sure she'd heard his arguments. She was only choosing to ignore them now… or maybe she'd found a way to combat the cold he'd warned them against. After all, she was choosing to plan ahead and gather wood.

The barren ranges bore no trees and traversing them without wood would only mean there would be nothing to keep them warm at night but their sheets.

Crysta and Wyatt nodded in confirmation. The delta grabbed Wyatt's bag and retreated to the woods to shift while the man waited for her. When she returned with the bag in her maw, he took it and slung it over his shoulders, "Let's not waste any more time then."