A Battle Against Odds

Lina stared dumbfounded at the video of one of her best friends dashing on the screen. Bree was weaving through the trees faster than anyone thought possible making great distances without a moment of hesitation.

And doing spectacularly so with a blindfold over her eyes.

She ducked when a branch was too low and leapt over roots with great ease and effortless foresight as she continued to make her way deeper and deeper into the manmade forest.

The carefully planted cameras in the woods kept switching at rapid speeds just to keep up with her inhuman speed. Thankfully, she wasn't wandering aimlessly through the woods which made it a lot easier for the cameras to keep track of where she would appear next.

An algorithm that had run the recent data from the forest calculated her path and brought up a dormant camera in the distance, far ahead of her current position, her most anticipated destination.