Just a Couple of Spies

"Oh, now I'm more curious than ever. Who is it, Kyle? Tell me…"

Kyle turned away from the girl… then froze with the colour draining out of his face. Something wasn't right, "Katie, why aren't I compelled to answer your questions?"

"Because I'm not ordering you to do anything," Katie replied innocently.

"No… I'm a beta alpha…"

"I know. The rules just don't apply to me the same way. Now stop changing the subject and spill it," Katie responded.

Kyle didn't know what to focus on: the fact that he didn't have to walk on eggshelves around his alpha, or that she was currently drilling him for information on his mate.

The whole situation brought back more nostalgia than he thought possible. Katie wasn't always as childish… but she was still the closest he'd ever had to a best friend.

The beta alpha walls shattered and he chuckled in defeat, "Alright alright, I'll tell you."

Katie beamed like a child being given candy.