Fear that Motivates

The journey after the fight against Benji was a lot less… cheerful.

Instead, it was filled with tension, whispers and involuntary shivers as the caravan inched closer and closer to the source of their world's darkness.

Seeing one of the Rogue Generals in action was like a wake-up call to most hunters and werewolves. There would be more monsters like that, meaning everyone would have to be at their best.

Knowing that, the pressure was at an all-time high.

Several times, Katie picked up on murmurs from the hunters, asking whether all the rogues were really that powerful. On the second day of travel, Katie stared at the delicious food before her and cursed her mood. Not even the expertly prepared food before was enough to lighten up her mood.

Their current stop was on a rocky black cliff that plunged the Great Sirius River down a steep fall, creating a beautiful waterfall that stood exposed to anyone hidden in the forest down below.