Episode 5

(The episode opens with Wolfie is moving with quick speed, while a girl who has long red hair, white skin, wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, and blue boots attacking her with fire)

Wolfie: That's the best you got, you won't be able to catch me like that

(The girl makes her fire stronger)

(Wolfie spins around the fire and puts the fire out)

(The whole class can barely see Wolfie)

(Wolfie is eating a banana, while sitting on the stage)

The girl (looks angry): How dare you eat, while we are in the middle of battle

Wolfie: What? (gulps) I was hungry (throws the banana in the garbage)

(A male teacher who has short blonde hair, white skin, wearing a white shirt, blue shorts, and shoes named Mr. Yales)

Mr. Yales: Wolfie! That's the third time, you have to take this fight seriously.

Wolfie: But that sounds boring

Mr. Yales: You're not supposed to enjoy this, you are supposed to attack your enemy

Wolfie: But, can't I have fun and defeat the enemy

(The girl throws a ball of fire to Wolfie)

(Wolfie makes a twirl that cancels the ball of fire)

Mr. Yales: See? You did that without saying a joke, just try to fight like that for now on and to help you with that, you will assigned with (puts Detective Z by Wolfie)

Wolfie: You want me to work with him?

Mr. Yales: You and Z will work together, so you can learn to fight the right way

Wolfie: (sighs) Fine

Detective Z: I will change that attitude of yours.

(The screen switches to Detective Z and Wolfie in the gym alone)

Detective Z: let's see you fastest speed

Wolfie: Okay

(Wolfie speeds around the speed look like a blur)

(Detective Z is holding a stopwatch and is watching Wolfie)

Detective Z: Stop

(Wolfie stops)

Detective Z: Okay, I want to test your skills

Wolie: Okay

(Wolfie lets out his claws and charges at Detective Z)

(Detective Z puts out a sword slowly)

(Wolfie moves at top speed attacking the sword with his claws)

Detective Z: You seem focused, so let's see how long you will last

Wolfie (while fighting): Don't underestimate me

Detective Z (while fighting with his sword): You expect me to take you seriously, when you are holding back right now, which means you are still fooling around.

(Wolfie grabs Detective Z's sword from him and knocks Detective Z down with his foot on him)

Wolfie: Fine, you are right, but finishes this fast is lame, and I hate lame things

Detective Z (unimpressed): So, you really are irresponsible.

Wolfie: I can't help it

Detective Z: What if? I put some snacks on the table to get you motivated.

Wolfie: Snacks (licks his lips) fine, I will go by your rules (moves his foot)

(Detective Z gets up)

Detective Z (holding two sticks): Show me your best skills

(Wolfie looked confused and looks determined)

(Wolfie and Detective Z have a duel)

Detective Z: You are fast, but remember you also have to use your brains not just your speed

(Wolfie's eyes become sharper, and attacks Detective Z)

(Detective Z nearly tripped Wolfie's leg)

(Wolfie flips Detective Z and is holding both sticks)

Detective Z: So, you are learning,

Wolfie: You think I'm an idiot, I use my brain, I just don't want to.

Detective Z: You don't

Wolfie: I do

Detective Z: Prove it

Wolfie: Back when I was in gym, the girl was moving too slow when she was using her powers, I moved two times slower than normal which should have given her the opportunity to attack me so I teased her to get her to use her full force, but she's too weak.

Detective Z: Shoot and I thought I was the only one that noticed

Wolfie: Not even close

Detective Z: Then, prove it in gym class.

Wolfie: Fine, but you have to buy me a smoothie.

Detective Z: Got it

(The screen switches to Wolfie running around the girl like his normal self)

(The girl tried to attack, but her fire hands were out)

(Wolfie changes into a fire salamander and spits the fire)

(The girl tries to catch the fire, but doesn't noticed Wolfie creating a cloud)

(The girl gets hit by lightning)

Mr. Yales: (looks shocked) What the heck?

Detective Z: I owe him a smoothie

(The episode ends)