Episode 10.1

(The episode opens with Lukas skating with Alyma riding on a water springy slide in a dorm room)

Lukas: So, tell me what you like about this school?

Alyma: Everything, get this I have a whole friend group that is like me except one

Lukas: Who's that?

Alyma: Kanisha

Lukas: Oh, the normie. I talked to her once

Alyma: She is a really kind person

Lukas: Maybe I could get to know her

Alyma: I can call her, she said she is free

Lukas: I thought everybody was given homework

Alyma: She finished early

Lukas: Okay.

(The screen switches to Kanisha opening a door and smiles)

Kanisha: Hello

Alyma (flies to Kanisha): Kanisha (hugs Kanisha)

Kanisha: Hey, how are you?

Alyma (hugs Kanisha): Great, why did you invite me?

Lukas (on a ice throne): I wanted to get to know you better, we are in the same class

Kanisha : That is true, hi Lukas

Lukas (smiles): Hi Kanisha

Kanisha: So, what do you want to know about me?

Lukas: Any hobbies?

Kanisha (eyes sparkles): Writing, watching TV, and reading (eyes turn back to normal) and you?

Lukas: I like traveling, making snow cones for fun, and I like reading too.

Kanisha: Oh, where would you like to travel?

Lukas: Anywhere and everywhere, there is too many places

Kanisha: I completely understand, there are so many places I want to check out

Lukas: Okay, one more question.

Kanisha: Yes?

Lukas: Who convinced you to come here?

Kanisha: Myself, I thought it would be super awesome to meet super human and nonhuman people and become friends.

Lukas: So, you want to be friends with every superhuman?

Kanisha: Yes, so you want to be friends or not?

Lukas: Oh! Well, I don't know (giggles)

(Kanisha gives her a serious face)

Lukas: I'm just kidding

(Kanisha gives Lukas' hands and Lukas gives Kanisha his hand)

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Lukas playing darts on a target)

(Lukas is around three darts around the target)

(Kanisha hits the bullseye on time and two other darts outside the target)

Alyma: You two done?

Kanisha and Lukas: Yeah

(Alyma has three darts in her hand and throws it)

(All three darts hit the bullseye)

(Alyma giggles and claps)

Kanisha and Lukas (looking confused): How?

Alyma: I am just lucky

Kanisha: She's lying

Lukas: I am glad, I'm not only the only one that thinks that

Alyma (looking insulted): I can hear you

Lukas and Kanisha: We are sorry

Alyma: It's okay

(Lukas and Kanisha hug Alyma)

(The screen switches to Lukas is making an ice sculpture of a dolphin)

(Alyma and Kanisha wearing a sunglasses)

Alyma and Kanisha: Oh!

(Lukas stops and eating a popsicle)

(Alyma reveals a giant water butterfly)

Kanisha: How beautiful

Alyma (bows): Why thank you

(The ice Dolphin's tail and the water butterfly's antenna raise Kanisha in the air)

(Kanisha is giggling, while being tossed into the air)

Lukas (whispers) (looks at Alyma): Hey

Alyma (whispers) (looks at Lukas): What

Lukas (whispers) (looks at Alyma): Isn't she looking cute

(Alyma looks at Kanisha giggling and flying)

Alyma (whispers) (looks at Lukas): Yup

(Kanisha is put down slowly)

(The screen switches to Alyma, Kanisha, and Lukas are having a pillow fight)

Alyma: Kanisha, tell me do you want to have powers?

Kanisha: Nah, I am fine being my normal with no superpowers

Lukas: Interesting

Alyma: I agree, you should be proud of who you are

Kanisha: Thank you, I appreciate your positive thoughts

Alyma: No problem

(Lukas, Alyma, and Kanisha ride down a slide)

(Lukas, Alyma, and Kanisha laughing with a pile of pillows under them)

(The screen shows Kanisha drawing Lukas on the ice throne with Alyma beside him)

Kanisha: I warn, y'all I'm not the best painter

Lukas: It's okay, this is just a fun project

Alyma: Yeah, we don't care how bad we look like

Lukas (looking angry): Alyma!

Alyma (nervous smile): Or good

(Kanisha shows Lukas and Alyma the painting)

(The painting is a Normal sketch art of Alyma and Lukas)

Lukas and Alyma: Oh!

Lukas: Kanisha, that isn't bad

Alyma: Yeah, you are a pretty average artist

Kanisha (blushes): You are too kind.

Lukas: We are just being honest.

Alyma: Yeah, now what do you want to do?

Kanisha (smirks): Truth or dare.

Alyma: Fine, who's going first?

Lukas: I'll go first (looks at Alyma and Kanisha) Kanisha, truth or dare.

Kanisha: Truth

Lukas: What's your most embarrassing moment?

(Kanisha blushes)

Lukas: And you can't trade it for a dare.

Kanisha: Fine, I was in ninth grade, me and my friends were in gym class, when I started singing, but while I was starting to perform the dancing part of the show and entertaining my whole class, I accidentally knocked my teacher out with my shoe.

(Lukas and Alyma laughed)

Kanisha (blushing): Why did you remind me of that?

Alyma: That wasn't that embarrassing, well kinda embarrassing

Kanisha: Alright, it's your turn Alyma, Lukas ask her.

Lukas: Alyma, truth or dare.

Alyma: Dare (smirks at Kanisha)

(Kanisha looked annoyed)

Lukas: I dare you to go to where your crush is and leave him or her a heart.

Alyma (blushing): What?

Kanisha (whispers): No trading

Alyma: Fine

Lukas: Okay, we are coming with

Kanisha: No cheating, wait I can't fly

(The screen shows Lukas holding Kanisha, while riding on a ice cloud)

(Alyma is riding a water horse)

(Lukas, Kanisha, and Alyma are at a window)

(Alyma looks nervous)

Kanisha (whispers): Go

(Alyma slowly opens the window and sees a boy)

Lukas (whispers): Splash his eye and make a heart with your water from (pointing to beside him) here

(Alyma drops a tiny bit of water on the boy)

(The boy gets up and takes off the headphones)

(The boy turns around to see Alyma with a water in a heart shape)

(The boy is revealed to be Jordan)

Jordan (heading to the window): Alyma, is that you?

Alyma (blushing): Sorry, it was a dare, but I did mean this

Jordan (blushing): Oh, well it's cool.

Alyma: So, we still friends

Jordan: Yeah, we still friends

(Alyma hugs Jordan)

Alyma (let's Jordan go) (blushes): Sorry

Jordan: It's okay, hugs are normal

Alyma: Okay, bye

(Alyma flies away with Lukas and Kanisha)

(The screen switches to Alyma, Lukas, and Kanisha land on the pillows)

Alyma: Lukas, you are going to pay for embarrassing (her wave turns to a fist and knocks Lukas out) me like that

Lukas (under the pillows): I deserve that. Kanisha, you get to choose who to ask

Kanisha: Lukas, truth or dare

Lukas: Truth

Kanisha: Who was your first crush?

Lukas (blushes): It's somebody who goes here

Kanisha: The name, that's the only right answer.

Lukas (blushes): It's a girl named Lily.

(Alyma giggles)

Kanisha: Pure-hearted healer Lily

Lukas (blushes): Yes

Kanisha (looks at Alyma): Has he been embarrassed enough?

Alyma: Yup

Kanisha: Okay, Alyma, truth or dare

Alyma: Truth

Kanisha: Okay, What is the most bad thing you have done?

Alyma: I made my uncle think his barn on land was haunted, when it was just me.

Kanisha: How did you do that?

Alyma: Each item had some form of water in it.

Kanisha: Okay, well Alyma it's your turn to pick

Alyma: Okay, Kanisha, truth or dare

Kanisha: Dare

Alyma: Alright, I dare you to send this (gives a letter with a heart) to the first person you became friends with.

Kanisha: Seriously, that'll be so embarrassing

Alyma: No trading and we are coming with.

(The screen shows Kanisha opens the door)

(Dumbra gets up and sees Kanisha)

Dumbra: Kanisha, you are back, I thought you were at a slumber party, let me guess truth or dare.

Kanisha: Yeah (gives Dumbra the letter with a heart)

(Lukas and Alyma are by the window)

(Dumbra takes the letter and opens it)

Dumbra (laughs): Man, this is cheesy

Dumbra (whispers) (pats her bed): Come here

(Kanisha sits down)

(Dumbra hugs Kanisha tightly)

Dumbra (whispers): Those jerks aren't bothering you anymore, are they?

Kanisha (whispers): No

Dumbra (whispers) (rubs Kanisha's hair): Good and you know that I have to my family meeting tomorrow

Kanisha (whispers): Right, I'll tell them

Dumbra (whispers): Good job, Little sis

Kanisha (whispers): So, it's true.

Dumbra (whispers): Yeah, look

(Dumbra shows her mom in a warrior outfit with a regular human in a sweater shirt)

Kanisha (whispers): That's my dad, it's true

Dumbra (whispers): Yup, hey sis

Kanisha (whispers): Does your mom know you figured out

Dumbra (whispers): Yup

(The screen switches to Alyma and Lukas outside)

(Alyma on a water horse and another water horse by the window)

(Lukas is on a ice griffin)

Alyma: So, Dumbra and Kanisha are long lost sisters

Lukas: Yup, how crazy

Alyma: We should probably leave

(Kanisha comes out of the window and lands on Alyma's water horse)

Alyma: Well

Kanisha: Everything is fine

Lukas: Okay

(Episode ends with them flying away)