Chapter 3 - The Weapon

Sunlight trickled through the window, waking Ilanna up. She groans in protest and shifts to the other side. She senses something watching her and she slowly opens her eyes only to be met with bright golden eyes. Startled, Ilanna jumps back and quickly scans the being. This made the child lean back in shock. Ilanna realizing it was the elf child lowered her guard and sighs in defeat.

"Look at the early bird. How did you sleep, kiddo?" Ilanna asks as she ruffles the kid's hair while sliding off the couch.

"It was fine. Why are you sleeping out here?" The child asks Ilanna as they follow her from the living room.

"It happens when you stay up, so make sure you go to bed on time," Ilanna pinches the kid's nose and then laughs when they push her hand off their face.

"So kid," Ilanna begins as she pours a cup of tea, " you have two options. Well, two and a half really."

The kid sits on the chair quietly watching Ilanna as she gets some orange juice and hands it to the kid.

"You can either stay here until you are an adult or get to your hometown. I have a traveling entertainer that can help. However, it might take a little bit before they make their way up here," Ilanna sips her tea and watches the kid ponder.

Before they could say anything, the door swings open. In the door is a woman with bright red hair and round glasses.

"Miss, You have a visitor," Cherry says while her head is slightly bowed. She raises her head and sees the elf child and sighs.

"Another one, Miss?"

Ilanna shrugs and sets her cup down. She glances at the kid and then introduces the woman.

"Kiddo, this is Cherry. She is my friend but careful, she is super boring," Ilanna winks before Cherry smacks Ilanna.

"Miss, I highly suggest you handle your visitor. It is Duke Renart."

Ilanna stops in her tracks and looks at Cherry. Cherry simply nods which makes Ilanna groan.

"Cherry, can you answer any question the kid has?"

Cherry bows, "of course Miss."

Ilanna grabs her mask from her coat pocket and puts on her Huntress complete outfit before heading down the stairs. As she heads down, she sees Gong at the doorway.

"Kid, who is is this fool? How dare he intrude. We are close damn it!"

Ilanna chuckles and pats his back.

"Now now old man. He is a noble, try not to get flogged by your comments of the high nobility. Or at least don't let him hear ya."

Gong grumbles more insults as he heads back upstairs. Ilanna checks if her mask is on before meeting Duke Renart face to face.

The man wore a dark suit and blue accents. His black hair slicked back and he gave off the noble and cold presence.

Duke Renart notices Ilanna and stares her down. Ilanna walks right in front of the Duke and stares at him back. He stood in the middle of the room with a cane held in front of him.

Ilanna decides to break the silence, "So what brings a high noble to a shabby tavern in a shabby part of town?"

"This is where the Owl headquarters is located, is it not? I assume you have an idea why I am here," he says cooly after looking away to stare at the room.

Ilanna smiles, "where did you get such intel? I would love to see what else they know?"

The duke doesn't say anything and pulls out a brown package. He drops it on the table and taps on it.

" You were employed by His majesty, were you not? Why?"

Ilanna leans on the table and picks up the package. It was wrapped tightly in a cloth.

"Oh don't worry your little hat. I am loyal to the king. But we both know why. I am simply the one ally not related to the King. An ally that is more trusted in these situations. You understand, right? Traitors and whatnot."

The duke is right. There would be no need for the king to deal with a guild like the Owl. But the King is in a position where even the prince could be the culprit. He has too many enemies and they surround him.

"Whatever, here. That is the weapon from the last attack. My men told me that it is from the seaside in a town called Estudian. They make specialized weapons made from the ore there. But as to who bought this, I have come empty-handed."

Ilanna opens the package and examines the knife. It was unfortunate that they didn't have the technology for fingerprint scans. The knife was beautifully made with a light golden handle which was light and easy to grip. Ilanna continues to examine the knife while the Duke stares at her. He can't tell why, but she seemed familiar to him but at the same time unfamiliar.

"I can find more information on it, but it will take a little while. From a quick examination, I can tell the person definitely has knowledge with knives from well designed it is. The sharp blade is short and thin, which makes it easier to hide. The handle looks fancier than a knife that was quickly bought at a shop. This was a custom-made knife. I would probably even say it was a set from the hook here."

The duke is in complete silence and then quickly adjusts himself.

"Okay. So an experienced killer. There will be a ball in two days. There will be a celebration ball in a week for the Savior's arrival. Monitor the nobles in charge. How will you enter the palace? The theme isn't a masquerade."

"Don't worry I have an insider already. I will get your information before the ball."

The duke nods and leaves. She puts the knife down and looks at the black carriage ride off. His carriage disappears, leaving Ilanna alone in the tavern.

Ilanna sighs and glances down at the knife again. Cherry walks up to Ilanna and looks at the knife then at Ilanna.

"Your orders, Miss?"

Ilanna taps her fingers. It has begun. Even though Ilanna already knows what will happen she will need the evidence to convict them. Not to mention the female lead will show herself at this ball.

"Bring this to Carl to get more information on. Tell him to look into the Partbels and what they bought," Ilanna pause, "and get background information on Duke Renart. Then prepare my carriage and dress. We have to return formally."

Cherry wraps the knife and picks it up.

"As you wish. Miss, are you really re-entering high society?"

Ilanna stares at the entrance where he left before looking away.

"It is time, Cherry. After this whole thing, we can finally leave for good."

Ilanna heads back up the stairs and is met with the child sitting at the top. The child sees Ilanna and perks up.

"Were you waiting for me, kiddo? How cute."

Ilanna pats their head and heads to the kitchen. Mrs. Walker made breakfast and had a plate waiting for Ilanna and a small plate for the kid.

"The little guy wouldn't eat unless you were there with them," Gong chuckled as he sips his coffee.

"Alright kiddo, so have you made your decision?" Ilanna asks after she helps the kid sit on the chair.

The kid nods, "I wanna stay until I get older."

Ilanna nods and then looks at Gong. Gong ruffles the kid's head.

"What a cutie. Alright, welcome home. Now that you have decided, you should probably get a name. Right Ilanna?" Gong winks at Ilanna which made Ilanna choke a little.

The kid looks at Ilanna filled with hope. Ilanna swallowed her food and glances around the room. Gong was having fun with the idea while Mrs. Walker chuckled. Cherry was silent as she helped Mrs. Walker with the dishes.

Ilanna looks at the kid, "are you sure? If ya hate it you can totally change it, ok?"

The kid nods and stares at Ilanna even more impatiently.

Ilanna stares at the kid. Their bright white hair and golden eyes remind Ilanna of the sky and the sun.

"How about Helios?"

The kid smiles and hugs Ilanna tightly. They muttered their name and thank you. Ilanna pats their head while Helios starts to cry from the warm embrace.

"Let it all out, Helios. No one is going to hurt you anymore."