Chapter 6 - Reunion

Gong would come back to the forest every afternoon to train Ilanna and then learn more about the world. As Ilanna might have been able to learn of the history from the books and what she already had known, she was unaware of the other species in the land. The book would say a line about the other nations in the world but they weren't discussed more in-depth as they were irrelevant to the plot.

"Now when your opponent moves, there will always be an indicator as to what they will throw," Gong explains as Ilanna watches. He is standing in front of Ilanna as she sits on the ground. Iris was seated beside her to keep an eye on Gong. They haven't put their full trust in humans so they would monitor Gong. Gong is kind to not mind the watchfulness. He is more than happy for Ilanna to have a protector like Iris even if it meant that he would be dealt with cold air.

"For example, when a punch is thrown. Their shoulders will move first then they will wind back their arm."

Gong slowly moved his arm and then pointed at his right arm. He punched the air. He continued his lesson and made Ilanna practice some moves. Then made her run a lap. Iris blew cold air at Gong, which he deflected quickly with hot air. A fuming Iris then goes to Ilanna and complains.

"Iris. I know you don't trust Gong but I can't help you if you chose to start a fight with him. Come let's go play with Mr. Fox again after," Ilanna pants after running. She is drenched in sweat and laid on the grass. Iris jumped up in glee at the mention of Mr. Fox.

Mr. Fox was a tiny silver fox that Ilanna had found one day. Silver foxes were rare so they were keeping an eye on it till they found its family.

It has been a week since Ilanna had lived in the forest. She looked at the sky and wondered if the duke had found out she was gone and if he cared. She became concerned for Bertrum as he was locked in the study while they were leaving. She wondered if Molde was finally happy that she was able to rid of the bastard child.

Bama looked at Ilanna and noticed her face in a state of sadness.

"What is it, child?"

Ilanna glanced up at Bama and rolled over. She placed her head on her arms and watched the swaying grass.

"Do you think the duke is looking for me?"

"He is."

Ilanna widened her eyes. She quickly looked up at Bama.

"He is?"

Bama nodded, "he is looking for you. He even requested the King's help to find you."

Ilanna shot up and ran to Bama.

"Why is he looking for me? This was his chance to finally forget about me. He could've finally pretended I was never born. No one else in the world would've known I belonged to him. Why?"

Tears began to fall from Ilanna's eyes as she buried herself in Bama's side.

"After all this time, now was when you decided to show that you cared for me?"

Bama was silent as Ilanna cried her eyes out. At this point, Gong had heard her crying and came running over to see what was happening. Iris also appeared and quickly flew to Ilanna's side and embraced her back. Gong looked at Bama and saw the sadness in her eyes.

Gong sat crossed-legged beside Ilanna and patted her back.

Ilanna felt Gong's hand and quickly jumped into his arms. Gang a little started from the embrace, he hugged her back.

It took a minute for Ilanna to calm down. She sat in Gong's lap and looked back at Bama.

"I am sorry, Bama. I didn't mean to unload like that. "

Bama shook her head and nuzzled Ilanna's cheek.

"It is quite all right. I would rather you tell me everything that is restless in your head than to bottle it all up."

Ilanna smiled, "thank you."

Ilanna paused before asking, "does he know I am here?"

Bama nodded, "it seems that way. He had knights come in but soon retreated when the knights were injured by a Saber Wolf pack. Would you like to go, child?"

Ilanna thought about it. If she were to go back there will be no way for sure she wouldn't receive the same treatment as before. Not to mention the case with Molde will be clearly against Ilanna as she is just a child. But for some reason, there was a small bit of hope inside Ilanna that maybe just maybe the Duke did care. If not, why would he be looking for her to the extent that knights were harmed?

Ilanna looked around and saw everyone once more. The beautiful trees danced in the gentle breeze and the small animals near the lake played and drank peacefully. The fact she has gained some weight on her bones and all of her wounds were healed. Not to mention, she now had the skills to defend herself physically.

"Yes. I would like to see him."

Gong nodded and then picked up Ilanna. Iris shrunk down into pinky size and sat on Ilanna's shoulder. Bama rose as well and then they all started to head through the woods.

They reached the edge where Gong's house was. Mrs. Walker greeted Ilanna and Bama and invited them into the house. There they sat at the table and discussed what to do.

"I don't want to return just yet," Ilanna said after placing her tea down.

Gong looked at her and asked, "why not?"

"I want to know why Molde did that. Her abuse increased as the duke neglected his house more. If that doesn't change that, there would be no reason for me to return."

Gong nodded slowly, "then how about meeting first to discuss this. I am okay with it being my house as I am sure Bama wishes no humans then who she approves of into the forest."

Bama nodded. She was outside a window as she was too big for the house but the window was opened for her to be part of the conversation.

"Here," Ilanna gave Gong her mother's necklace. Then, wrote down a note.

"To get to the duke directly."

Gong accepted the necklace and note and placed it in his pocket.

"I will meet him here and he should be alone, if not then one knight and servant. I don't think this village would be quiet if the Duke came with all of the knights. "

Gong got up and headed out before reassuring Ilanna.

"Don't worry I will explain it to him."

Gong went ahead and in the distance. Bama and Ilanna waited for Gong.

"My lord, no sign in the southern part. The men from the west are in recovery after the Wolf attack."

The Duke nodded as he continued to look at the map. The map was filled with red x's throughout the forest. Only the Center and the Eastside haven't been marked yet.

"Rest for a bit before heading to the west with a bigger squad. Avoid that area and lay low."

"Yes my lord."

The knight left the room and the room was silent once more. Not a second later a butler knocked on the door.

"Enter," the duke said as he sat upright.

"My lord, there is a man here who knows the whereabouts of the young mistress, however, wished to speak to you first. He has a note signed by her and her necklace."

The duke stood quickly, "send him in at once!"

The butler nodded and left. After a few moments, there was another knock.

The duke hesitated at first.


In comes a man. He had a late-aged man look with some greying hairs. He wore leather armor and a belt with small pouches. He had a scruffy beard and rough hands. He was a hunter.

He slightly bowed but quickly straightened up. The duke didn't care for his rude greeting and went around the desk to face him directly.

"I know where your daughter is," Gong began but before the duke could ask where Gong continued.

"But she doesn't want to return here yet."

The duke was shocked. Ilanna didn't want to return yet. That meant that she would have returned but did not wish to. She doesn't want to come back.

The duke placed a hand on his face to hide his sadness.

"Why?' The duke asked just barely, his voice breaking.

"Well, here it might be better to hear it from her than me," Gong pulled out the note with the necklace and handed it to the duke.

The Duke takes it and unravels the note.

'Dear Duke, I am safe and sound. I know you are looking for me. I would like to talk to you beforehand. Please come alone or incognito. I am in a small village and wish not to frighten the people here. Signed Ilanna Thea Vellet'

The duke read the paper and looked at the man.

"Okay, I will go alone. She is with you, I assume. Then let's go now."

Gong nodded and followed the duke out. The butler protests to have at least one knight but quickly gets ignored. As the duke had already left with Gong. As they traveled, Gong explained how he came to find her. The duke listened quietly until they finally arrived.

Gong instructed the Duke to wait a moment before entering. The duke nodded and waited outside the house. Inside he heard a young girl laughing and immediately thought of Shresta. Then they realized they had a similar laugh.

Ilanna listened to Mrs. Walker's tales of Gong and how they got together. Bama left earlier to check on the forest.

"...he tripped and almost lost the ring," Mrs. Walker exclaimed.

Ilanna giggled and then heard the door open. Ilanna peered in that direction and daw Gong.

Ilanna smiled and hugged Gong.

"Are you okay? No one gave you any trouble right?"

Gong shook his head, "no but he is here. So are you ready?"

Ilanna looked outside and saw the man standing there. His head was down and he fixed his outfit. He then shifted a little. He looked awkward and nervous. His actions made Ilanna less nervous. Ilanna couldn't help but realize that the duke was just as nervous as her. This thought brought a smile to her face. She turned back to Gong and nodded. She headed back to her seat and drank a little more tea. Gong opened the door and let the duke enter. He scanned to room until they fell on Ilanna. He teared up and cleared his throat before sitting across from her.

Silence filled the house. Gong and Mrs. Walker were in the kitchen not making a sound. Ilanna looked down at her lap. She played with her fingers. The duke looked at Ilanna. She looked healthier and wore a short white dress.

After a few moments of silence, the duke spoke up.

"How are you?"

Ilanna looked at the duke and saw the concern in his eye. There were dark circles as well. He hadn't slept in days. Was he looking for her even throughout the night?

"I am better. My physical wounds are healed and I have eaten well."

The duke nodded and looked down. He was shocked to hear the accounts of abuse Ilanna had received from the maids who told him.

"Good. I put Molde on house arrest. She went to her father's house."

"Oh okay," Ilanna paused, "can I ask you something?"

"Of course anything!"

Ilanna hesitated before finally asking, "why didn't you stop her?"

The duke was startled by the question and looked at the tea that Mrs. Walker provided.

"I wasn't allowed."

Ilanna was confused. Why couldn't he? Who was stopping him from Molde's actions? The Duke is the second-highest in power. The first is the royal family.

The duke sighed and looked at Ilanna again. His face was of a man who was in grief.

"Shall I tell you a story of Shresta Yvonus?"

Shresta Yvonus, the hero who saved the land from the Dark Beast?