Chapter 8- The King

The bustling streets were familiar to Ilanna. The crowded streets fill with excitement for the festival coming up. Cherry is complaining to Ilanna about how she was not excited to see the Crown Prince and his arrogance. Ilanna simply smiled as she looked out the window.

Time flies by until finally, Ilanna arrives at the mansion. Ilanna steps out of the carriage and is greeted by the butler who bows at her.

"Welcome home, miss."

"Yes, I am home. Is my father here?"

Foster nods, "yes miss, He is in a meeting right now. Would you like me to inform him that you wish to speak with him?"

"Yes, I can wait after his meeting is done. I arrived a little earlier than expected, so I will rest until then," Ilanna says as she walks to the doors.

As soon as she opens the door, she is greeted with a big greeting. Isobel threw herself onto Ilanna in a big hug.

"Sister! you are home! How was Luiria? Was it as warm as they say it is?"

Isobel begins her million questions in one breath. Ilanna chuckles and hugs Isobel back.

"Yes, yes. I will answer all of your questions at dinner, okay?"

Isobel pouts but gives in.

"Alright but only because you arrived early. I have so much to tell you too!"

Ilanna nods and makes her way to her room. Isobel, still close behind, rattles off.

"Bertrum has been leaving me behind now to go play with His Majesty and Duke Renart. I have been so bored without you…"

Ilanna enters her room and Isobel sits inside as Ilanna undresses and wears a simple gown. Isobel is still talking while Cherry provides some tea and refreshments. Ilanna didn't realize that Isobel had been waiting for her.

Isobel begins to talk about the tea parties she had gone to and all the friends she met. She then begins to talk about Bertrum and Duke Renart. Ilanna sat beside Isobel playing with her hair while Isobel lay on Ilanna's lap.

Ilanna smiles and they stay like that for hours.

Isobel was asleep now as Ilanna was reading a book when a knock was heard.

Cherry opens the door and reveals it is the Duke.

"Ilanna, you have returned," he said a bit too loudly.

"Shh, father. Isobel is asleep right now," Ilanna motions.

The duke peers over the couch and sees the sleeping child and chuckles softly. He nods and hands Ilanna a pillow. Ilanna accepts the pillow and slowly puts Isobel's head on top of the pillow. Then follows the duke out of her room.

They walk to his study where they sit across from each other. A maid brought new refreshments and a fresh pot of tea was poured out before she left the room.

The duke sips his tea and clears his throat.

"How are you and how was your trip? How are Gong and his wife?"

Ilanna smiles, "they are alright. Gong recently was able to fight once more."

"What? Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?"

Ilanna laughs and shakes her head.

"I am quite alright. I stayed out of it mostly. The other men handled them more than I. The trip was good. I was able to settle the negotiation with the Elven folk."

The duke nods while Ilanna pulls out a file from her space vessel. She handed them to the duke, which the duke took and began to read.

"These are.."

Ilanna nods to confirm his assumptions, "yes the active members of the rebels. Half are dead in order to shake others. Towards the back are those who the nobles still alive visited during that time."

The duke continued to read and close the file. He places it on the table and sips his tea.

"Alright so now we wait to see what those nobles will do now."

Ilanna nods and then hesitates before pulling out the King's letter.

"What's this?"

The duke looks at the emblem and confusion fills his face.

"Father, the king called in his favor."

The duke read the letter and sighs in his hand.

"His son is helping? But it could very well be him. Not to mention the Nobility faction is the prime suspects."

"Yes, the king also employed Duke Renart. But Duke Renart does not know the \my true identity."

"Duke Renart, he is from the Royalty faction but even then, there are rumors that the king and he don't see eye to eye. The king could only trust you at this moment. So what is your plan?"

Ilanna thinks back at the novel.

The ball was for the announcement of Molly's arrival who comes with the male lead, the prince. Then during the festivities, a circus member will poison the king. But Molly will save him. So as a last attempt the member will try to throw knives at the king and Molly. Ultimately missing due to Duke Renart catching them. This then allows the MC to meet Renart.

However, the person was said to be the third son of the Partbel household. Not much is said as the line only mentions this fact and how Renart was able to catch the mastermind behind it.

"It is time for Ilanna Vellet to re-enter the scene."

The duke is shocked and tries to speak up when a knock stops him.


"Miss there is a letter for you."

"Come in."

Cherry enters and hands Ilanna a letter. It was fancy and on the other side was the official royal seal. Ilanna shows the seal to her father and then proceeds to open the letter.

Ilanna reads the letter and then gets up

"It's a summons and a dinner invitation to the palace, for the both of us, tomorrow!"

Everyone is shocked and quickly everyone starts to move. Cherry takes Ilanna away to get her dress ready. The duke runs to the butler to get the preparations ready for tomorrow. The mansion is in chaos as Ilanna tries to figure out why the king summoned her so late.

Ilanna woke up early and was put through Cherry's beautification treatments in order to get ready for her audience with the king. By the time she was ready, she was sitting in the carriage with her father also looking quite exhausted. The carriage ride to the palace was quiet as a way for Ilanna to get ready.

The duke and Ilanna walk to the throne room. The guard announces their presence and the throne room doors open. At the end of the room sat the king. He wore his bejeweled crown and his red robe.

Ilanna and the duke walk to the king and bow.

"We greet His majesty, King Zahir," Ilanna and Duke Vellet said simultaneously.


King Zahir was older than Ilanna's father and held old age with elegance. He rebelled against his father's tyranny and helped restore peace to the kingdom in his prime. Now he is known as a wise king across the land. Or at least that is what Starry Sword introduced him as.

Ilanna looked at the King once more. Ilanna never liked those cold blue eyes, always calculating. She felt like her existence could be crushed the moment she let her guard down. She didn't understand how the blue eyes of the king were so different compared to the kind blue eyes she saw in her father.

"I heard you have returned from Luiria, Lady Ilanna? Your journey was comfortable?"

Ilanna bow once more, "yes your majesty it was pleasant but nothing can compare to home."

To the public, Ilanna was sent to the Luria empire's academy to become a better queen. But it is all a farce as Ilanna was training with Gong and Bama in the forest. Only His Majesty and Ilanna's father knows this truth.

"Yes, there is no place like home," his majesty replied with a smile.

"Well with that I assume you have received your invitation to the upcoming ball?"

This time Duke Vellet replied.

"Yes, your majesty. We are elated that the savior from the prophecy has appeared."

"I do have a favor to ask of Ilanna."

"Yes, your majesty."

"With the girl, there came her friend. I hope you will tutor and befriend these two. So that they are more comfortable in this world."

"Of course your majesty. It would be my honor," Ilanna nods and smiles.

"Good they are staying in the west wing. I will properly introduce you three later this evening for dinner."

"Yes your majesty."

"Good, now excuse us Ilanna. I have some business with your father."

Ilanna bows, "yes your majesty. Until dinner then."

Ilanna quickly turns and leaves the throne room leaving her father behind. Although it was not over, Ilanna still felt like she had passed this trial. She walks past the side doors that lead to the garden. She reminisced about the time she was in this garden when she was little. She finds a bench under a large oak tree and decides to sit on it.

As she sits down, Iris appears. Their long silver hair fades off in the air at the ends as they move about around the tree. Their actions cause some of the leaves to fall causing Ilanna to smile.

"Iris, do you like this tree that much?"

Iris nods happily and motions Ilanna to sing.

Ilanna sighs and begins to hum a tune her mother from her past life used to sing. Iris dances around the tree and Ilanna. More wind spirits appear and dance with Iris. Some flower spirits also appeared and sat on Ilanna's lap.

Ilanna watched the spirits dance until she felt a presence coming.

"Who's there?" Ilanna asks, which causes the other spirits to run into hiding. Iris floats next to Ilanna ready to attack.

"It's just me, Ilanna. Calm down." Prince Montgomery appears from behind a tree.

He looks sheepishly at Ilanna before coughing and standing upright.

Ilanna bows and greets the prince.

"Your highness. An honor to meet you."

The prince walked closer to Ilanna but still held some distance between them.

"How are you?"

Ilanna looks at the prince. She was not prepared to see the arrogant prince ask how she was. The prince sees Ilanna look taken back and quickly clears his throat.

"Ahem. I mean I haven't seen you since the trial with…"

He didn't finish. He didn't need to. Ilanna knew exactly what he meant. The trial for Molde and her actions.

After the duke and Ilanna returned to the estate, a trial was held for Molde. Only those of the highest status attended. His majesty overlooked the trial and was the judge since Duke Vellet was second in highest status. The prince couldn't attend since he was still a child and met with Ilanna after. He had made a comment, which made the queen scold him and apologize to Ilanna on his behalf.

Ilanna nods, "yes, it has been a while. I am well. How is your highness?"

"I am doing well."

There was a long pause which caused Ilanna to feel her awkwardness increase. She was about to say something when a maid interrupted.

"Your highness. Lady Ilanna. Dinner is ready."

Ilanna and the prince nod at the prince and turn back to each other.

"Well my lady, I shall see you."

"Yes, your highness."

The prince turns away first and heads to the west side of the palace. He must be visiting Molly now that she has arrived. Ilanna tried to remember if the prince and the villainess ever met before the ball but no scene like that ever happened. Ilanna wondered what could have changed or if this meeting was not required to be mentioned in the book.

Ilanna follows the maid as she ponders upon this. Before she realized it she was already at the banquet hall.

The guard announces her arrival and the doors swing open. The king sat at the head of the table with the duke on his right. On his right was the Queen and next to her was Princess Sophia.

Princess Sophia is the youngest child of the Queen and King. She is only 12 years old but she has an uncanny resemblance to the queen. She looks at Ilanna and smiles before quickly sitting back up.

Ilanna bows and greets the king and queen. She heads next to the duke and sits down.

"My apologies for the prince and the savior not being able to attend today. There was an incident with her magic and the prince is helping her settle down.," the queen says before staring at Ilanna.

"It is no worries, your highness. I do hope that the Savior is alright." Ilanna smiles.

The queen laughs and the conversations continue.

Dinner was done and the queen and the princess dismissed themselves early for bed.

"Ilanna, a word," his majesty says.

The duke nods and dismisses himself.

"Yes, your majesty?"

The king looks at Ilanna then at the portrait of the royal family hung on the wall.

"Ilanna how is the investigation going?"

"The Duke and I found information on the knife from the previous attempt. It is a knife bought by the youngest son from the Partbels. He bought the knife when he went on vacation four years ago. I am currently looking in the Partbels."

The king grunts, "the Partbels are from the neutral faction. So it is quite strange to hear such."

"Your majesty."


"The duke arrived at my tavern. Did you tell him where it was?"

The king smiles, "yes I did. But don't worry that is all he knows of the Huntress. I told him not to look into it as an order."

Ilanna nods. She wasn't convinced that the duke would listen. Even if he was in the royalty faction, he was characterized as a wild card. No one knows his objectives until it's too late.

"How is the forest?"

"It is well. the number of corrupt beasts that appeared was dealt with. For now, the forest is not safe to travel through because they are getting stronger."


"Yes, while they are the same in numbers, the numbers of fighters required to fight them have increased. The great Bama and I suspect that this is the work of the demon king appearing."

The king was silent, pondering on the information Ilanna had given to her.

"Hmm. yes with the arrival of the savior, the demon king must have awoken."