Chapter 3 The quest starts

"I suppose if we find the enchantress who created the rose, maybe she can make a new one." I said

"But only King Gian could possibly know where she is." Lianna said

We both looked at Paige.

"What'cha ya looking at me for?"

"You're the Medium. Summon Gian for us."

"You two don't know how being a medium works obviously. I can talk to people on the other side but I only hear them but I can't see them. If you're looking for someone who can see and summon him, you would need a necromancer."

"Then contact the other side and tell us what King Gian says."

"Now that I can do." Page closed her eyes and raised her hands up in the air. " Oh great and powerful King Gian, tell us where your wife is."

Paige's eyes turned white as Gian spoke these words through Paige's mouth: "Before I died, my wife went into hiding after she created a new 3 petal Rose. To find my wife, you first need to find the Rose. It is said the rose is hidden behind a waterfall inside a cavern covered by a stone that has three carvings in it. To move the stone, you need to find the three objects carved into the stone. Once you have all three items, all you need to do is find these objects, put them into the carvings and the stone will move away."

"Can't you tell us what the three items are?" I said.

"Sorry, I have exceeded my time in this world. Talk to Mildred and Natasha for more info." Paige's eyes turned back to normal.

"Well, that was a bust. All he told us was to find three objects. He didn't tell us where to find them or what they were."

"Sorry, that's the rules. Each spirit who comes into my body can only say so much and once they have said their limit in words their time in this world is exceeded."

"I hope Mildred and Natasha can give us some information to point us in the right direction."

"I agree, my brother, Kaze. At all costs though, since they were there 14 years ago when the rose was created, they hopefully know what the three objects are."

"So who should we go to first? Mildred or Natasha?"

"I say Natasha."

"Why Paige?"

"Because her powers are weakened she won't be able to read our minds all the way. She will only hear bits and pieces."

"I agree. She's right, Kaze, depending on how weakened her power is we might get all we need from her."

"Fine, I guess since you both outvoted me, we'll go to Natasha first."

We walked to the train station. A security guard walked up to me.

"Kaze, nice to see you. Where ya headed?"

"Just to the store buy some candy."

"You're lying."

"How could you tell?"

"You hanged your head after you said candy."

I saw the train door open that we needed to go on.

Paige distracted the guard as Lianna and I snuck on the train. Lianna glared at me.

"I feel bad for leaving Paige behind."

"I do too. But someone had to distract the guard. I think he knew what our true intentions were. He is a cop after all and most cops can tell when you're lying pretty easily."

"True. But do you think he knew we were going to see Natasha?"

"I don't think so. But I do think he knew that we were up to something."

"So what do you think we should say to Natasha?"

"I think we should just roll with it."

"What do you mean?'

"Lianna, I think we should just ask point blank what the three objects are and since she can read minds, she will know what we're talking about."

"Or at least partially. Paige told me her readings are only halfway. So I sense that she will at least know that we are looking for three items."

When we got off the train, we knocked on the castle doors.

When the doors opened, I saw a young kid with messy blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Well, if it isn't mistress Paige. Let me guess, you're here to tell Natasha what words you have received from the late King Gian like always."

"You guessed it, Kasey. You are a wise student indeed."