Death God has come to your land


This is a hot land full of magma and volcanoes.

All kinds of terrifying monsters headed by fire demon, fire giant, flame dragon, etc. rule here.

Not long ago, five uninvited guests broke into here, they are Thor, the three warriors of Asgard, and the female warrior Sif.


Thor yelled. In his hand, Mjolnir turned into a meteor, smashing the brains of a fire demon not far away.

However, there were too many enemies, swept in like ants from all directions, completely surrounded Thor and others.


Sif was accidentally hit by the fire demon, and suddenly suffered serious injuries.

"Sif! Damn it."

Hearing the miserable Roar sound of his companion, Thor was even more furious, waving Mjolnir like a windmill in his hand.

However, due to excessive anger, his actions revealed many flaws.

At this moment, a sharp blade surrounded by flames fell from the sky, almost hitting Thor.


At the moment of the moment, he avoided the sword of flames, but Thor's figure also lost his balance, and he staggered back on the ground several steps before stabilizing his steps.

"Hahahahaha, son of Odin, you brought these people into my country, you really came to die."

A Flame Giant like the incarnation of magma, holding a sword of flame, condescendingly looking at the embarrassed Thor and others, his tone was full of contempt and arrogance.

"Sirte, in order to stop Ragnarök, I must kill you!"

Thor held Mjolnir in his hand and yelled angrily.

"Ragnarök, did you foresee the demise of Asgard?"

Sirte raised the twilight sword surrounded by flames in his hand, and smiled triumphantly:

"When my crown reunites with the Eternal Fire. My body will grow taller than the mountain, and the whole Asgard will be vulnerable to my sword."

"Don't think about it."

Thor seemed to be irritated by Sirte's words, and desperately raised Mjolnir to rush up.

At this moment, there was an earth-shaking dragon roar from the side!

"Is this… Dragon?"

Shocked by the roar of the dragon, Thor turned his head in disbelief, and saw a flame dragon tens of meters long rushing out, knocking down one of the three warriors with just one blow. land.

Upon seeing this, the female warrior Sif finally couldn't help but screamed:

"Tor! It's not a second time, we need to retreat."

"Damn it!"

Seeing the terrible situation before him, Thor finally burst into cold sweat on his head.

How to do?

The enemy who destroyed Asgard is right in front of him. Did you just run away like this?

At this moment, all of a sudden, I heard a "bang" sound, and a colorful brilliance descended from the sky. Two men walked out of Bifrost's beam of light.

"Father! Loki!"

Looking at familiar relatives, I suddenly yelled in excitement:

"Come on, let's destroy these flame demons together!"

"shut up."

Odin first berated Thor in a low voice, then looked at Sirte who was holding a twilight sword not far away, and said coldly:

"I'm leaving with my son now, and today's things have never happened."


Surprisingly, Sirte, who looked like a flame incarnation, calmed down at the moment.

He glanced at Odin's empty right hand and suddenly sneered.

"Asgard's Almighty Father, where is your Eternal Spear?"


Being mentioned to his sore spot, Odin's expression suddenly froze.

At this moment, Loki, who was standing next to him, suddenly took a step forward and pulled out the Frostmourne that was stuck in his waist.


An unimaginable frost and cold wind swept away from him in an instant!

"Crack, click…."

The crimson land was instantly frozen, and even the lava in the nearby volcanic crater solidified!

"What? Such a chill, is it an ice giant?"

Feeling the terrifying cold air emanating from Loki, Sirte's eyes suddenly changed.

As the incarnation of flame, what he hates most is actually ice!

At this moment, the blue aura exuding from the magic sword in Loki's hand unexpectedly condensed into one figure after another on the ground.

Each of these people was wearing full-body armor, with faint blue light emanating from their eye sockets, and riding on a skeletal war horse burning with black flames, they didn't look like humans at all.

And behind these knights, a large number of infantrymen followed.

The most terrifying thing is that these infantry soldiers turned out to be a group of heavily armed skeletons.

"Loki, what are you…"

Seeing Loki summoned a large number of undead monsters without saying a word, Odin's face changed drastically, and an ominous premonition appeared in his heart.

But at this moment, he only heard Loki whispering in a low voice:

"Not enough, it's not enough, come out for me!"

With a loud roar, Loki's eyes flashed bright red. at the same time. The chill on his Frostmourne rushed straight into the sky!

In an instant, a huge skeleton-like figure began to appear in the clouds.

"That's a dragon? Skeleton Dragon? How is this possible?"

Looking at the terrifying giant shadow appearing in the air in disbelief, Thor opened his mouth wide, almost unable to believe his eyes for a while.

When did his younger brother who can only use illusions become so powerful?

"Undead Dragon?"

Looking at the roaring holes hovering in the air, Sirte was stunned for a moment.

At this moment Loki laughed instead:

"Hahahaha… So that's it, is this the Scourge?"

At this moment, Loki's eyes were flashing red, and Frostmourne in his hand was radiant, and he was still creating countless undeads at an almost endless speed!

"Get up, my soldiers, I order you to fight for the master!"

Raising the magic sword in his hand and aiming at the flame demon headed by Sirte, Loki issued an order to the terrorist army he had just summoned:

"Kill until death! Don't leave a living mouth!"

And as if responding to his orders, huge amounts of skeleton Dragon fell from the sky waving his wings. An extremely cold breath came out from one mouth!