Thor: I should aim at his head! Snap my fingers, half universe! (2nd!)

Who defeated Thanos, who gathered six gems?

Faced with this problem, the entire foreign world live broadcast room suddenly fell into an atmosphere of extreme silence.

-The slightest voice disappeared without a trace!

From Tony to Strange, to Loki. They all looked at Thanos, who was one of six gems, on the screen with horror and sluggishness.

Afterwards, they looked at each other, and no one could speak.


Are you kidding me?

Everyone can see it clearly. Just now, Thanos used his own power to set time back!

How can such a monster that can play on the stock hall even time originally beat him?



The atmosphere became very weird.

Suddenly, an angry voice broke the weird atmosphere.

Tony- Stark stepped on his foot, looked at Strange bitterly, and shouted:

"You shouldn't give him Time Gem."

Strange was tightest and purest, and his face was extremely ugly. A "Chuan" shape was wrinkled on his forehead, which shows how much impact the scene on the screen has caused him.

Up to now, he has also shaken his future self's move to hand over Time Gem to Thanos.

"Strange! It's all your fault.

Strange gritted his teeth at Tony's endless accusations. Finally couldn't help but burst out:

"Isn't that to save your life?"

Tony's face flushed red, and he retorted without thinking:

"Then you should let me die!

"you "

His face was full of excitement. Tony was almost like a fighting cock. Strange's throat was dry and fierce, but at the end he couldn't say a word.

After living for more than 1,000 years, Loki took a deep breath and finally suppressed the borun in his heart.

Then he gave a dry cough, opened his hand and said:

"To discuss things that haven't happened in the future, I think it is meaningless."

"So, we might as well turn our attention back to the topic.

Hearing him say that, Tony finally calmed down and stopped pestering Strange.

But everyone thought for a while, but they didn't have any clues.

"Oh, how do you answer this?"

Peter Parker grabbed his head hard, made his hair look like a chicken coop, and said annoyedly:

"I can't figure out how to think about it, who can defeat that kind of monster."

Tony said in a low voice:

"Controlling space, controlling time, distorting reality, absolute power, this guy has no flaws at all!"

At this moment, someone in the live chat group suddenly yelled.

[Thor: Lokiki, what are you doing? Isn't the answer simple?] [Thor: The one who defeated Thanos, who else is there besides me?] [Loki-Odinsen: Brother, I'm not in the mood to play with you now, you go aside. ]

[Thor: What is playing? Didn't you see it just now? How powerful is I holding that axe? With one move, so many enemies all turned into charcoal. ]

[Tony Stark: Please, is it amazing to be able to discharge? Just give me a little time, I can also make 430 weapons that emit lightning. ]

[Thor: What nonsense are you talking about? As a god, what I hold in my hand is an artifact, how can your human machinery compare to me?]Seeing Thor, the big Roar yelling in this chat group, Audi sitting on the throne of Asgard held his forehead with his hand, with a helpless expression on his face.

When will this son mature?

They are all over 1,000 years old, and they are still innocent like a child.

In fact, when you see Thanos holding five gems, sweeping everything on the screen. Even Odin was a little frightened, and his whole person was greatly impacted.

Such a terrifying opponent, even if he is holding the Eternal Spear and is in the heyday of his body, I am afraid that he may not be able to win!

Not to mention Thanos in the image, so far he has obtained all six Infinite Gems.

In this situation, how strong is he? Even Odin found it hard to imagine.

"If you snap your fingers, will you erase half of the creatures in the universe?"

In a low voice, Odin only felt chills in his heart, and at the same time he became more determined to kill Thanos in advance.

If such a guy makes him grow up, it would really be a catastrophe for the entire universe.

At this moment, Strange suddenly made a fist with his right hand and hit the palm of his left hand.

"Right! I thought about it!"


At this time, everyone's attention was attracted by him.

I saw Strange's face glowing red, his eyes fixed on a white-haired little Wanda, and he said excitedly:

"Thanos came to Earth from Titan by means of a portal.

"In other words, Tony and I are still in Titan, it is impossible to come to help. You can just ignore it."

"At that time, among the superhero on earth that could compete with Thanos, there was only one left, and that was you."

"What? Me?"

Little Wanda opened her mouth wide and pointed her nose with her fingers, which looked a little funny.


Strange said decisively:

"I saw clearly just now, facing Thanos holding five gems, you almost stopped him from moving forward with just one hand."

"This can't be done by anyone except you!!

The more he said it, the louder it was, Strange looked at the stunned little Wanda and said:

"Although I don't know exactly what the principle of your red super Ability is, since your power is effective for the Five Gems Thanos, then even if he gathers 6 Infinite Gems, you still have the power to fight!

Seeing the side, Tony and others' faces gradually showed convincing. Strange raised his head quickly and shouted:

"Wanda! It was Wanda Maximov who defeated Thanos who had gathered six gems!

Soon, the cold voice of the system rang.

[Ding! Stephen Strange finished answering, and the Q&A system began to determine] [Ding! Stephen Strange answered incorrectly. ]

[Obtain random punishment, wipe out one-third of the magic power in Stephen Strange, and execute it immediately. ]

"What? I was wrong."

Feeling the loss of magic in the body, Strange gritted his teeth, his face full of chagrin.

It hasn't been a few days since he visited Ancient One magician, and he didn't have much magic power at all, and it would be a pity to lose it.

But for Strange, who has a high self-esteem, the most unacceptable thing is to try to answer the failure originally.

At this moment, Strange suddenly felt someone approaching him. As soon as he raised his head, seeing little Wanda stretched out his hand and patted him sympathetically, and said comfortingly.

"I just wanted to tell you that in the future I won't be that strong! It's a pity that you are still too anxious to listen to my advice.

Strange heard it bitterly, and was speechless for a while.

At this moment, someone in the live chat group suddenly said loudly:

[Nick-Fury: Black widow! The correct answer is "Captain Marvel Carol Danvers!" You answer quickly, this is an order. ]Hearing the unquestionable tone of the chief, Natasha Romanoff, who was still shrinking aside, instinctively opened her mouth and replied:

"It was Captain Marvel Carol Danvers who defeated Thanos who had gathered six gems!"

Soon, the cold voice of the system rang.

[Ding! Natasha Romanoff-Romanoff finished answering, the question and answer system began to determine

[Ding! Natasha Romanoff-Romanoff answered incorrectly. )

[Get random punishment, force Natasha Romanoff Normanoff to tell the secret that he least wants to say right now, and execute it immediately. ]

"What? What punishment is this?

Natasha Romanoff was dumbfounded, and instinctively stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

But under some irresistible force, he opened his mouth and said like a robot:

"Just now, Director Fury ordered me to sneak into the Starck Group and infiltrate Tony Dark's side so as to pry out his secrets."

"I think this task is very simple, because according to intelligence, Tony-Stark seems to be a good-color-disciple. As long as he does what he likes, it is easy to confuse him.

"Wait, wait, what are you talking about! Hurry up and shut me up!!"

Listening to Natasha Romanoff's increasingly louder monologue, Tony's mouth gradually opened up, his face turned blue and red, and his whole body was not well.

What the hell is this?

Shouldn't you be asked to disclose your secrets?

Why did you smash my old bottom?

What is a good-sexer? What is dizziness?

Is my uncle Tony so unbearable in your eyes?

"Hahaha! Well said, does this lady seem to know how to look at people?"

Loki stretched out his hands and laughed wildly while applauding.

"Your analysis of that moustache is nothing short of intriguing. It's so admirable."

"I think the two of us must have a lot of common languages. We can communicate more in the future."

"Well, what happened to that just now?"

After the endless talk, Natasha Romanoff immediately covered his mouth, with a look of fear on his face.

Just now, he was afraid that he would be forced to tell some unbelievable secrets.

After all, there are many dark secrets hidden in her past.

But looking at Tony's green expression, Natasha Romanoff sighed inwardly.

It seems that this time he completely offended the playboy.

At the moment in the office of S.H.I.E.L.D, the salted egg slapped his face with an expression of incomparable annoyance in his eyes.

This is a big loss.

In his opinion, the only person who can defeat Thanos is the strongest superhero on earth, Captain Marvel.

Although Captain Marvel Carol's power comes from Space gem, she is really strong, but even Carol herself is not sure.

Before leaving the earth, Carol once personally told Nick Fury that he also has a mode that is a hundred times stronger than normal, called the "double star mode"!

Therefore, Hao Dan thinks that if anyone can beat Thanos, Captain Marvel is undoubtedly the last choice!

But who would have thought that not only this answer is wrong, but Natasha Romanoff's "punishment" also offends Tony Stark!

At this moment, it would be more difficult to pull Tony into the S.H.I.E.L.D camp than before.

Someone rushed to answer twice in a row, and the final result was failure. Suddenly, it greatly dampened the enthusiasm of everyone in the live broadcast room. For a while, it was (chab) that no one spoke.

Just in this silent state. An unexpected person slowly raised his hand.

"I choose Thor.

Peter Parker swallowed and said weakly:

"My answer is Thor, it is Thor Thor who defeated Thanos who gathered six gems!"

Heard this answer. All the seats in the live broadcast room were shocked.

The most nervous is Tony, he said quickly:

"Boy, what are you talking nonsense? If this answer is wrong, the punishment may be very tragic."

Tony said this indeed from his sincerity.

Last time, because he made two mistakes before and after, the system actually eliminated 2/3 of her Starck Group stock out of thin air.

When Tony returned to New York City and looked at it, he was immediately surprised to find that although he was still the chairman of Starck Group, his shareholding ratio was really only reduced to an ordinary shareholder!

The so-called absolute controlling rights have long since disappeared.

However, even in this case, Tony still gritted his teeth and issued a declaration to withdraw from the arms market.

After all, after watching the future, he felt that this was his only and correct choice!

"Hey, poor boy, you actually believed my old brother's nonsense."

Loki looked at Peter Parker sympathetically, and was about to say a few more sarcasm.

Suddenly, the cold voice of the system rang.

[Ding! Peter Parker finished answering, and the Q&A system began to determine] [Ding! Peter, Parker answered correctly. ]

"What, what is this possible??"

Hearing the system's "correct answer", Loki seemed to have heard the most absurd thing in the world. The whole person seemed to have been struck by thunder.

Are you kidding me?

That stupid Thor actually defeated Thanos, who holds 6 Infinite Gems?

How could such a ridiculous thing happen in the world?

"As expected of me, hahahahaha!!!"

Looking at the big screen in front of him. With all his power lost, the shirtless Thor suddenly waved his fist, raised his head and laughed wildly.

And at this moment in Asgard, even Odin was stunned on the throne, his eyes were slightly lost, even the corners of his eyes twitched slightly,

His expectations of Thor have always been high. Also determined to pass the throne of Asgard to him.

But the scene before him is indeed beyond Odin's imagination.

Can that Thor grow to that point?

While standing beside the Olympics, the queen Friega At the moment had a happy smile on her face.

His son finally did not disappoint her.

[Peter, Parker got 100 live broadcast points, which can be used to broadcast the past and future related to him] [Peter-Parker gets random rewards Symbiote Venom!] [Start binding, binding has been successful] [From now on, Peter Parker will be the sole owner of Venom. ]

[Reward distribution is complete. ]


When Peter heard the announcement from the system, he was taken aback for a moment.

What is this L? Is it a poisonous snake?

At this moment, a pile of black matter that looked like sludge suddenly appeared on Peter's head and poured directly onto him.

"Oh, what is this? Oh…!!!"

Suddenly, he was covered with a cloud of black silt, and Peter was suddenly taken aback.

But what horrified him even more was this strange silt. It seems to be infiltrating her body!

Upon seeing this, Tony and others next to him were also shocked. Preparing to gather to rescue.

But within a few seconds, the sludge completely melted into Peter's body, as if it had never appeared before.

Immediately afterwards, an unfamiliar voice rang in Peter's head.

"Oh, you are my new master, my name is Venom. I will show you more in the future, hahaha

"I'm a little hungry, or let's go eat something.

Listening to the weird and weird voice in his head, the expression on Peter's face suddenly became very exciting.

At this time, a series of information poured into his mind.

[Venom is a thoughtful symbiosis of extraterrestrial life, appearing in liquid form. It needs to be combined with a host to survive, and can give the host a powerful super Ability. ]

[When the venom symbiont combines with the host, if the host is a good person, it can make the good person more and more courageous and become a superhero,] [This venom has been completely bound to the host, will not cause any harm to the host, and will obey all commands of the host. ]

"Symbiosis? Make good people stronger and become superhero?'

Feeling the message in his head, Peter's eyes shot with surprise and joy.

Seeing so many magical images of the future, to say that Peter doesn't have any envy for Tony and Strange. That's pure lie.

It's just that even he didn't expect that his courageous attempt this time would actually get such a big reward!

[at this time. The original frozen image on the screen restarts to play. ]

[After fully accustomed to the 6 gems, Thanos raised his left hand and was about to take a closer look at the Infinity Gauntlet that has entered a perfect state. ]

[Suddenly a thunder fell from the sky, knocking him out. ]

[I saw Thor straddling the sky. Surrounded by countless thunder and lightning, I look like a real god, not a human!]["what!"] [Thanos waved Infinity Gauntlet with his left hand, and a purple light shot up into the sky. Shoot directly at Thor. ]

[And Thor also yelled, raised Stormbreaker with both hands, and tried his best to throw it!]["what"]

[Stormbreaker carried the endless thunder power down from the sky, and actually pushed back the purple light emitted by Thanos!] [Finally only heard "boom"!] [Stormbreaker turned out to be sturdy and smashed into Thanos's chest, deeply embedded in it!]"What? There is such a thing."

Seeing this incredible scene on the screen, Loki's head buzzed as if he was about to explode, and his mind instantly went blank.

That Thor actually defeated the Six Gems Thanos head-on!

[Thanos' eyes widened, his hands tightly gripped Stormbreaker who slashed into the fierce mouth, and his face suddenly showed an incredible expression. ]

[This battle axe abruptly shattered the energy released by his Infinity Gauntlet!] [At this time, Thor also landed in front of Thanos, his eyes full of anger and hatred. ]

["I told you that you will pay for everything you do."] [The left hand grabbed Thanos's head, Thor pressed the other end of the Stormbreaker with his right hand, and suddenly used force to make the axe deeper into Thanos' chest. ]

["Ahhhhhhh!"] [Thanos showed a painful expression on his face, opened his mouth, and made an uncontrollable roar sound. 1

"This guy, is this going to die?"

Seeing Thanos's appearance on the screen as if he was not far from death, Tony swallowed his saliva uncontrollably, and suddenly felt that his heart was beating violently uncontrollably.

If Thor kills him like this, then everything is over.

[Seeing that Thanos' eyes gradually closed, even Roar's breath became weak, Thor's eyes finally showed a hint of gratitude for revenge. ]

[But at this moment, Thanos said in a weak voice. ]

["You should aim at my head!"] [Thor's gaze winks, and he looks at Thanos's left hand incredulously. ]

[I saw Thanos raised his left hand, and snapped his fingers slowly but firmly!]["Do not!!!!!"]