Thor’s Godhead and God Body! Extraordinary Spider-man! (First)


Seeing Thor's body full of flames and burnt flesh on the screen, it seemed that he was about to be burnt in the next moment, the queen Friega let out a startled, and covered her eyes with her hands.

And Odin's expression is also very ugly.

Although through the previous live broadcast, they already knew that Thor had survived the test this time, successfully obtained the Storm Axe, and used this axe to severely damage Thanos!

But seeing his own son struggling in the flames, which parents can bear it?

"Storm Tomahawk?"

After chanting the name of this artifact, Odin's eyes sharpened instantly.

As expected, it was the weapon that almost killed Thanos, and the process of obtaining it was really full of tribulations.

At this moment, Odin has made a decision in his heart.

As long as Thor can complete his test, raise the hammer he dropped into the world, and become Thor again, then Odin will give him the newly-forged Storm Axe!

As for whether Thor prefers to use a hammer or an axe, then it's up to him.

"As the future king, Thor, you also need to grow up as soon as possible.

There was a glimmer of expectation in Odin's eyes.

New Mexico town.

"God, that is really a neutron star."

Looking at the stars on the screen that endlessly ejected terrifying heat, Professor Erik Shaweig's eyes were round, his mouth slightly opened, and his body was trembling.

And Jane Foster, who was standing beside her, turned pale with shock, her legs trembled, and she was a little unsteady.

That man named Thor, or "God", actually resisted the positive impact of the neutron star energy!

This terrifying scene in front of me. Almost shredded the cognition of these two scientists. They trampled their worldview fiercely under their feet and kept stomping them!

"Is that me? How can I do this?"

Looking at the "self" on the screen, his face was scorched, his body seemed to be melted soon, but he still held the machine switch firmly, Thor's eyes were dull, he couldn't help swallowing, and the cold sweat on his forehead was all over. Flowed down.

At this moment, Thor had a glimmer of enlightenment in his heart.

If he were replaced by him, he would definitely not be able to withstand such a horrible scene.

In addition to strength and physique, this is also a competition of courage and willpower!

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Thor has already realized

The future self on the screen, whether it is strength, will or determination, I don't know how many orders of magnitude stronger than him!

In another world live broadcast room.

"Tor, you guys unexpectedly."

Loki gritted his teeth and said this, but only halfway through, he fell silent, as if his throat was blocked.

But no one cared about him at this time, everyone was staring at the screen in front of them, their hearts beating uncontrollably.

It is incredible.

Everyone here already knows that Thor did indeed succeed in the end.

But even so, when they saw this scene in front of them, their blood was still boiling, their eyes seemed to be stuck, and they couldn't move away at all.

After entering the live broadcast room, Natasha Romanoff, who remained silent most of the time, suddenly spoke at the moment and said in a tone of admiration:

"This guy named Thor is a real man. Whether he is a god or not, he deserves people's respect.

Hearing this, even the most arrogant Tony Stark and Stephen Strange were the purest ones, and they didn't say anything.

The deep shock hit everyone's hearts.

[Image continues. ]

[In the smelting furnace, the metal used to cast the Storm Axe gradually melted at an unimaginable high temperature, and finally turned into a metal stream like liquid gold. ]

[Seeing the metal melt completely, a smile appeared on King Dwarf's face, and then immediately dumped the furnace. Pour into the mold. ]

[Storm Tomahawk, beginning to take shape!. ]

[At the moment, Thor has fallen into a coma under the raging heat, finally let go of his hands, and was rushed out by the heat. ]


Seeing Thor flying out like a rock, Jane Foster and Daisy John all screamed.

But Thor himself, At the moment, was expressionless. Just whispering secretly:

"I made it!"

[Seeing Thor flying out, the Rocket Raccoon hurriedly piloted the spaceship, trying to catch him, but in the end it was unsuccessful. ]

[Only hearing a "pop", Thor first hit the star ring, and then fell to the ground severely. ] [I saw burns all over his body, his whole body was dying, and he was almost out of breath. ]

[Seeing Thor's miserable appearance, Grout, the tree man who has been sitting next to him playing games, raised his head. ]

[The Rocket Raccoon rushed out of the cab and ran all the way to Thor. ]

["Tor! Say something, keep me awake."] [At this time, King Dwarf threw the mold for the storm battle axe to the ground, then raised his iron fist and beat the mold frantically. ]

[Seeing that no matter how Roar called Thor, there was no response, Rocket Raccoon straightened up in a panic and shouted:] ["Oh, I think Thor is going to die."]"What? Thor is dying?"

Hearing the words of Rocket Raccoon, many people in the live broadcast of the alien world became nervous.

Little Wanda clenched his fists, clenched in front of the fierce, almost screaming.

Although already know that Thor has survived this catastrophe. But at the moment Loki only felt that his heart was touching his throat.

[Dwarf King raised his head and shouted loudly while beating the mold. ] ["He needs this axe."] [After that, King Dwarf lowered his head and let out an anxious cry:] ["Where is the axe handle, where is the axe handle?"] [I can't find the axe handle everywhere, King Dwarf looks at Grout the treeman as if asking for help, and shouts:] ["Sapling, help me find an axe handle."] [Faced with Thor, who was dying and about to die, he was actually in a hurry to go to the doctor. ]

[At the moment the mold has been broken by King Dwarf, leaving the two parts of the battle axe on the ground. ]

[But those two tomahawks were burnt red, exuding a terrible heat. ]

[Looking at Thor's miserable appearance, the tree-man Grout's face suddenly showed firmness. ]

[I saw him walking forward, and the branch in his left hand grew like crazy, entangled the two battle axes. ]

["Chichi!"] [Under the high temperature, the branches that Groot grows suddenly smoked. ]

[But he still endured the pain, the two battle axes merged into one, and he raised it abruptly. ] ["Ahhhh)

[Groot yelled, raised his right hand, and abruptly slashed his left hand that was wrapped around the battle axe. ]

[Groot's arm is used as an axe handle. The Storm Axe was born!] [And at the moment when the Storm Axe officially took shape. Thor, who had passed out of a coma, seemed to feel something, and the fingers of his right hand began to shake lightly, as if he was summoning his own weapon. ]


[The storm axe that fell on the ground suddenly lit up with blue thunder, and then the entire tomahawk floated up from the ground, as if it had life, and flew into Thor's palm by itself. ]

[Quick!] [Along with a thunderbolt, a strong thunder light spread across Thor's body from the storm battle axe. ]

[Under the nourishment of this thunder light, Thor, who was almost burnt to coke, suddenly opened his eyes. ]

[And the terrifying burn on his body is also healed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. ]

"How is this possible?"

Looking at Thor on the screen, he got up from the ground, and raised the storm axe in his hand high.

Loki's boss was staring, his eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

He knew from an early age that Thor had an unimaginable healing ability for ordinary people.

As long as it is not severe enough to be fatal, he always responds quickly.

But the scene before him really subverted Loki's imagination in this life.

I was lying dying just now, and I was almost out of breath!

It was just a blink of an eye, and he recovered and returned to a normal person?

What is going on here?


"Hello, who is that Thor?"

"I just saw that he was dying, why did he stand up so quickly?"

"Yes, he was burnt to coke the moment before, how could such an injury heal so quickly."

"This guy says he is Thor. Is this the power of God?"

Seeing Thor's almost miraculous resurrection on the screen, all the apprentices in the square were dumbfounded, making incredible sounds of Roar.

Listening to the sound of cold air around him, Ancient One magician shook the fan in his hand and said softly:

"The pure Thunder Godhead of the Aesir Protoss is really well-deserved."

Thunder Godhead?

Hearing this term, Mordo magician, who was standing aside, asked with a puzzled look:

"Magician, what is the godhead? Are these Asgard gods, aren't they just a group of aliens?"

Ancient One magician lightly broadcasted and shook his head:

"If it is to be explained in the simplest possible words, the so-called godhead is similar to a certain gene. But the level is much higher.

"The god named Thor is born with a godhead with a thunder attribute. Therefore, his physique is not only countless times more than ordinary people, but even the average Aesir god clan is far inferior to him."

Hearing this, Wang Da magician, who was standing on the side, was slightly moved, and then said:

"I have read from ancient books that the kind of gods that can fully develop the power of the gods in the body can not only release thunder and lightning without any external force, but also can use the power of thunder to heal their own wounds!"

"Not only has the strongest destructive power, but also the strongest recovery Ability. This is the true God of Thunder!"

Hearing this, all the apprentices on the square were almost stunned.

[At this time, I saw Thor on the screen recover from all his injuries, raised the Storm Axe in his hand, and shouted, his body was suddenly wrapped in rainbow-like brilliance. ]

[When the brilliance dissipates, Thor, Grout the Treeman, and Rocket Raccoon all disappeared. ]

[Immediately after the picture turned, he returned to the earth. ]

[Just as the vanguard was madly slaughtering the human legion, a colorful brilliance fell from the sky!]... Seeking flowers 0.

[The terrifying thunder raged in all directions in an instant, killing the vanguard and corpses all over the field!] [Thunder light flashes all over, Thor is holding a storm axe and roaring:] ["Thanos! Come out and die!"]The picture freezes here, and then the screen goes black.

But even so, the shock in the hearts of everyone in front of the sightseeing screen is still hard to dissipate for a long time.

After a long silence, Tony: Stark looked at Loki who was standing beside him, and asked in a deep voice:

"To be honest, what kind of existence are you Asgard gods?"

Loki turned his head mechanically, with a smile on his face that was worse than crying.

Odin is on, he really doesn't know.

In fact, at this moment, Loki's heart was filled with a deep sense of frustration and loss, and the whole person suffered a heavy blow.

It turned out that he thought that Thor was stronger and better, and he was favored by Odin, giving him an artifact like Mjolnir!

So he is a little better than Loki.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all.

After suffering such a serious injury, just touching the thunder of the storm battle axe, he instantly healed!

Such a weird thing, Loki has lived for more than 1,000 years, let alone see, I have never heard of it!

"What secret is hidden in this stupid man?"

"Could it be that he has been hiding from me for so many years?"

Just when Loki was in a mess and almost doubted his life, Mordor magician finally spoke in the chat group.

[Mordo magician: Strange, are you all shocked by the scene just now?] [Stephen Strange: Modo magician, Ancient One magician wants you to speak for him again?] [Mado magician: Talking to a smart person like you is really unpleasant. ]

[Modo magician: Yes, magician has already anticipated your doubts, so let me solve your doubts and let you know!] [Mado magician: Thor in the image has completely Awakened the Thunder Godhead in his body and has become the real incarnation of Thunder!] [Mado magician: Now he can release and manipulate lightning without any foreign objects. And as long as there is thunder, he can heal quickly no matter how severe the injury he suffered. ]

[Mado magician: This kind of power hidden in blood, or genes, is his godhead, and a body that is fully Awakening godhead is called a god body!] [Loki-Odinsen: Godhead! God body! Could it be that Thor is born different from other people! Are other gods different?] [Mordo magician: Yes, if Thor hadn't Awakened the Godhead beforehand and fully utilized the power of the God Body in his body, it would be impossible for him to withstand the terrifying thermal shock of the neutron star. ]

[Mado magician: You can understand the power of this godhead as some kind of super gene power. But don't talk about human beings, even the general Aesir Protoss is far from being genetically comparable to Thor. ]

[Loki-Odinsen: It turns out that this is the real natural king, then me]Listening to Mordo Magician's explanation, the faces of everyone in the live broadcast room are constantly changing, but the most violent reactions are Loki and Tony.

Lowering his head, Loki's expression was extremely complex, and a deep sense of frustration was revealed in his eyes, and he quietly clenched his fists.

It turned out that he had always thought that the nurse was just a stupid big man with some natural brute power, and although he was not as powerful as him, he was more suitable to be a king than him!

But the pictures on the screen just now, as well as Mordor Magician's words, seemed to be thunder hitting Loki's head, making him stupefied.

It turns out that this stupid man is the so-called Son of Heaven, possessing the aptitude of a god that no other god race can dream of!

In contrast, Loki's pedigree

"Thunder Godhead? Super gene?"

"In other words, is this Thor some kind of super creature?"

"No wonder, this guy can withstand such a terrifying neutron star heat flow with flesh and blood, without being wiped out."

"It turns out that his body is fundamentally different from ordinary humans!"

"This is the so-called "divine body"?"

Tony rubbed his chin, his eyes flickered slightly, and nodded thoughtfully.

The reason why he was in chaos just now was because he couldn't understand what happened to Thor.

But under Mordo magician's explanation, Tony not only suddenly became clear. A whole new idea came into my mind.

"The power of genes is so powerful. Can it turn people into gods?"

Thought of this. Tony's heart could not help but throbbed, and he couldn't help but think of the generation of super soldier gene bank he had acquired before!

This extraterrestrial civilization gene pool from another universe may open the way for him to become a god!

at this time. The darkened screen lights up again, and a brand-new image is played.

[The content of this broadcast is "Supernatural Spider-man"!]