Subjugation of the Territory

'Two months...' Wain thought to himself. It wasn't too long a period, but it was much more than a few months.

Wain was not frustrated, he understood that if two months had passed, that was how long it took to successfully complete his evolution. 

He was trying to understand why his evolution had lasted two or even three times longer than initially intended.

"We need to go back." Said Teresa. She wasn't happy about Wain attacking her, even if it was a coincidence, but she was just as excited to have him back. Teresa was sure that Wain was one of the strongest people in the whole world.

Wain and Agnes nodded. They didn't go into the base in the woods since nothing was threatening it. They went straight to the university and got there in a few minutes.

"You can hardly call it a university. It's a real wooden castle." Wain said in amazement. He hadn't expected it to transform so much in two months.