
Wain walked slowly toward the round table. He was focused and expected that someone might attack him at any moment, but his fears were not justified.

The room was quiet and peaceful. There was only him there.

Wain stared at the revolver and wanted to take it, but when he reached out his hand, a protective barrier appeared around the table, which electrocuted Wain. The discharge force was small, Wain was not injured, but it was a warning.

'Looks like I need to wait.' Thought Wain and sat down at one of the six velvet chairs.

He immediately felt excellent and thought he might fall asleep now.

"This chair is really comfortable..." Wain muttered.

Nothing happened for the next ten minutes. Wain waited and tried to figure out what he was supposed to do. 

Wain began to doubt that he was supposed to sit quietly in the chair.
