Diversity of the World

"Darkness... Do elves believe in the power of light?" Wain muttered.

"Yes." Sven nodded, "The thing is, the attribute of darkness specially affects their bodies. I can't call it a negative effect, but certain metamorphoses occur. However, anything forbidden is bound to be popular somewhere, and someone will take advantage of it. It's inevitable."


"I'm talking about the Dark Elves. You can't call them another race. They're a type of elf. Dark Elves, as the name implies, use the attribute of darkness. Outwardly they are strikingly different from ordinary elves.

They have dark skin. Their hair is black, gray, or purple. Their eyes are the same color. Sometimes they are blood red. Many people think that the Dark Elves are stronger and more beautiful than ordinary elves, but this is a rather subjective opinion because there are High Elves." Sven pronounced.

"High Elves?"