The Way to the Light

"Is this my reward?" Alas looked at the dagger, puzzled.

"It looks like it. Show us its description." Ern said.

Alas nodded.

[Dagger of the Forgotten Wind (Third Chronicle, Rare Rating)

This dagger once belonged to a professional hunter. He knew better than anyone how to hunt and carve his prey. His knife was his best friend].

"Pretty simple, but not bad." Ern waved his hand.

"Does that mean that every Spirit is some sort of reward?" Erza asked, "However, do we have to do a task like this every time?"

"I think so." Wain nodded, "Not all assignments will be that easy. It was a green Spirit with blue wings, so I guess it was one of the weaker ones."

"Hmm..." Ern pondered, "That has to be checked."

He looked at the Spirits as he released his powerful aura. Suddenly all the Spirits flew apart. They were frightened and decided to run away.

"Damn... Is it just the wimps around here?" Ern muttered frustratedly.