The Idea

Ferner's cure and evolution proved successful, which was an important event for everyone, individually and for the zone since Ferner was a Fifth Chronicle monster. Though no one had planned it, Reto made sure that an hour later hundreds of monsters were in the magical forest, next to the massive table at which Wain and the others sat.

"Well, well, since you always arrange something really big..." Wain muttered looking at the hundreds of bottles of wine and various fruits on the table.

"I agree. You seem to be wasting too much of your time on something so useless." Frigus sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Hey, don't you like it? I'm sure the wine is great and just look at the other monsters. They're thrilled!" Reto smirked, slowly swinging his glass from side to side.

"Ferner, how are you feeling? Is everything all right?" Lui Bu inquired as he looked at Ferner, who was sitting next to him.