
Liang's attribute was wind, but thanks to his Spirit, he could do what was impossible for others. However, more influenced by his incredible physical power, but it all led to one result: the frosty Zero Area.

Kilometers of surface that for years had been covered only with ash and soot, were now completely iced over as if it were one huge glacier. 

The cold wind and snowflakes now stayed here for a long time as well as the snowflakes slowly falling on the thick, dense ice.

"Bastard... Why do you always have some sort of backup plan!" Nitra exclaimed furiously, as a black lightning bolt appeared in her hand.

She threw it straight at Liang with all her might.

Liang's most of his body was covered in ice due to Nitra reflecting some of the wind. However, it wasn't a problem for him to destroy it, and a swing of his sword reflected the lightning that was already right in front of him.
