
To break the chains of the World of Darkness, it was necessary to exert tremendous strength. 

It was unlikely that the beings on the God Stage possessed the necessary strength, only those who had reached the Transcendence Stage were capable of doing so.

In order to fight such a massive entity, one had to be different from this world and have their own way. Alucard fell under this definition, perhaps more so than the others.

However, only by activating First Gate, and striking at full power, had Alucard been able to destroy the chains that held Kraken back. Now, he found himself in a completely different situation.

"Hah, if the opponent is immortal, but there's no point in trying to kill him." Wain smirked as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Much better to just seal him up, forever."

Marlis glanced at him, "You don't seem worried about him at all."