
Gael slowly turned around with a calm expression, looking at Ereg being in agony. He didn't continue to attack or do anything, Gael just pointed his sword to the ground slightly holding the hilt, and directed his gaze at his opponent, waiting. 

If Ereg couldn't handle the ash particles tearing him from the inside, then there was no point in continuing their fight. Only if Ereg succeeded in getting rid of the ash would their battle be truly meaningful.

Ereg had no trouble blocking the cut with darkness to keep the blood from flowing from it, but it wasn't enough. He somehow needed to deal with the ash that continued to rage chaotically through his body, bringing more wounds with each passing second.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!" Ereg internally exclaimed with his face contorted in pain, "My darkness isn't capable of dealing with them, that's for sure... In that case, what the hell am I supposed to do?!

Liang frowned, "This is bad."