
Kim Su Won had never compared her parents to the parents in the novel while she was just a reader. Sure, Audrey Lazarus was cruel beyond words. The author had done a great job in making sure that Audrey was one of the most hated characters till Emmeline cut her off out of her life later, once her businesses started flourishing.

She had found a few similarities between the two mothers at how good they were in manipulating emotions of everyone around. But she had never really compared them. Now that the faces of both set of parents were quite similar, Kim Su Won could not help but remember how her own parents were just so same, both in roles and temperaments.

Her dad was one of the naivest and kindest soul she had seen, only to outsiders though. He was not interested in household affairs, and thus, blatantly ignored his own family. He was only interested in making meagre money from his job and being a corporate slave. He had no other interests or hobbies outside of his work at all. All his work frustration was vented on his wife and sometimes, kids. This guy did not look that different.

Anyway, the two people and their servants had got out of her face after their small skit. Kim Su Won took a sigh of relief. But her body was being too honest right now. Her trembling did not stop, even after taking deep breaths.

Her head felt dizzy, she was struggling to breathe. What was this? Was this an effect of her having almost drowned a week ago? She could feel her heart that was beating very fast, her body was sweating profusely. Was she hyperventilating? She never had any kind of effects before!

"Miss! Miss!" Anna grabbed her arm and brought her to the bed to make her sit down. "Miss, I shall call a physician!" The maid had freaked out, her miss had never had such a reaction to her parents' visit.

This was probably because she had not recovered at all and her witch of a mother just came to increase her stress. She dashed outside to call their family doctor. Emmeline was still the legitimate third child, so she did have privileges to the family doctor, at least.

Within a few minutes, a short grey haired person came with a medical kit in his hand with Anna. "Doctor, the miss…," Anna was trying to put on a brave face but her anxiousness was not letting her rest. Even though it was evening now, she had banged the door of this old man till he came out to see her. Even before explaining anything, she had just grabbed the old man's wrist and started running. It was one of his servants that had run behind to bring the doctor's kit.

They saw that Kim Su Won had curled up in the bed and was sobbing incessantly. Chris who was in the young girl's embrace was patting his sister gently. He had completely forgotten about his own pain and was busy consoling the girl. Kim Su Won was mumbling apologies. Chris could hear them, his heart wrenching but he could not do anything. Even a nine year old could understand the twelve year old's plight.

"Miss…," Anna was relieved to see that her miss was better than the state she had left her in.

"Young miss, I am here to check on you. Miss Anna, bring her plenty of water and then I need to know her symptoms," the old man, although was the Whittemore's family doctor, in front of him, no one was illegitimate or unfavored. His duty of being the doctor always came first which was why he had won the admiration of Duke Whittemore.

Anna nodded and dashed once again. Since the moment her miss had woken up, she had not had a single peaceful moment. But it was still better than her seeing her lifeless body the whole time. She wiped her tears from the corner of her eyes, she had to help her miss get better.

As soon as she brought the water, the old man asked her to feed water to young miss who could not stop sobbing. The doctor did not need to hear the full story, but he could tell that she had fought with someone, most probably her parents, yet again. It was quite common for this particular miss since she had been brandished 'willful' by everyone. She was always being scolded for her misdemeanor as a crown princess candidate. But he, as a behavioral psychologist, knew that she was just craving for attention and love from her family, which she was always lacking.

Once Kim Su Won calmed down, she evaluated why she was feeling so bad. She was definitely reminded of her own family here, Chris was same as her lovely sister from her original world and her parents were doppelgangers of her own parents. There was a time she had celebrated coming here, finally free from the clutches of her disdainful life in her original world. But fate had other plans, eh?

Moreover, she did not possess any special skills like the businesswoman that was slated to transmigrate into the body when Emmeline reached sixteen years of age. Wait a minute, did that mean she had mere four more years to live in this world too? Where would she go after that? And what to do about her life here, what could she do to earn more money and get out of here? Her brain was now working at the speed of light to find a solution to her plight.

She could not repeat her previous life here after all.