
"I can't believe this! My to be mentor brought in some person who is cursing me to not become the crown princess. When I finally decided to work hard for it. Anna, call the guards from outside. These people look like some impostors to be spouting such non-sense!" Kim Su Won half sobbed and half gasped.

She was actually exasperated right now. This kid, he knew exactly what was written in her future. Avenues to earn money, seizing the opportunity, this person definitely knew about the novel. The novel's name was right there in his speech. How could she miss it?

But who was this kid? There was no mention of another transmigrator in the book. Was it in the future chapters that she could not read because she transmigrated here? She needed to find out the truth but she also needed time to think and strategize.

Her gut told her this would not be the last time she was going to see this pair. It was better to get rid of them for now. But she was also dying to know their true identity.

Sh*t! If only there were more details written in the book about the time before actual transmigration happened, it would have been so helpful.

Jack Smith was too generic a name, she would not be able to find them. What could she do?

She got up from her seat and started wailing. "No, this has to be a joke. How did you two even enter the duke's castle?"

She started pacing around trembling a bit, as if she was in fear.

"M-My lady… Please calm down! We are not bad people, we are in the list!" the kid was flustered with such a sudden change in the attitude of the calm girl who was arguing them with her wit a few moments ago.

"Anyone can pose as a Jack Smith. How do I know that you indeed are the people? Do you have any identity card with you?" Kim Su Won probed further for she needed to know who these bastards were.

"I am sorry Lady Whittemore, you might be the lady of this house but you are being very disrespectful to his… my nephew," the guard like uncle finally spoke up. Kim Su Won's ears perked up. How did that little slip escape her?

An uncle protecting a nephew from an insult like this? This was no ordinary kid. That narrowed down her scope. This was enough information for her.

The Smith kid glared at his uncle. The uncle bowed ever so slightly and his face had an expression of apology, further proving Kim Su Won's theory.

"Well, I will need to apologize for my behavior too. The Whittemore House will send you the decision soon," Kim Su Won calmed down and set the two out. Anna had brought guards by the time but the two people just gave her a snarl and left in anger.

"What weird people. It felt like they had this sense of entitlement to them," Anna huffed. For once she had thought her miss was in physical danger. Poor her miss, she cried in terror. If she had known the suspicious people were going to be this rude, she would have called the guards early on.

"That's because they were from the imperial family," Kim Su Won picked up the book of family trees of the prominent families in the kingdom and went through the names and ages of the kids.

"I-Imperial family?" Anna was too stunned to speak. What would anyone from imperial family be doing here? It could not have been the crown prince, right? What if this was a test? Did her miss already screw up?

"Yeah, I just needed to take off that wig off the kid but I think I know exactly who he was," Kim Su Won replied staring at this particular page in the book. But how did this kid know about the story again? Was there ever a transmigration plot for this character in the novel? She did not think so. Ugh, could her transmigration not happen after the end of the book? It was almost at the climax anyway.

"B-But miss… what if…," Anna's brain was flooded with questions but her tongue was frozen. She just could not form her thoughts.

"No, it was definitely not the crown prince. I know he is not on good terms with any of his siblings, so we should not be worrying about spies. But I still cannot figure out the motive of the kid," Kim Su Won explained, lost in her thoughts.

Okay, so this prince was probably not the original prince like her. And they probably belonged to her world since they hinted at knowing about the novel. Since they were too convinced that her fate did not lie with the crown prince, that meant that they were going to be one of those plot obsessed fangirls/boys. This was going to be difficult.

Especially because the third prince was indeed her future husband according to the novel. If the third prince himself became a transmigrator, then it was going to be a bit difficult. But again, she was going to die in four years anyway, right?

"B-But miss, what if we end up offending the imperial family. Your future will be in jeopardy," Anna said, her eyes shaking. She was worried about this little kid who had finally understood her 'duty' and was about to take the first step towards it.

"Eyyy… look at you! Using big words! Don't worry, I have been faring well till now. I will do just fine from here onward too," Kim Su Won assured her maid.

Now she had two things to do. Find out the motive behind what this prince did and ask that bloody Isaac Laurent why he allowed the imperial family in. He seemed to have more ulterior motives than anyone else.


"What did you think, Your Highness?" the guard finally took off his disguise and was helping his master do the same.

"During the exam, I had thought that the kid had changed too much, yes. But seeing her today, I don't believe she is an impostor. She threw a tantrum at the end like normal Emmeline Whittemore would do. I guess I will have to keep monitoring the situation," the kid replied, his golden hair and golden eyes, now clearly visible.

"But your highness, why are you so sure that at some point of time, she will be replaced. And your prediction about her not being the crown princess?" the guard just had too many questions that annoyed the twelve year old kid.

"Charles, did I not tell you I have divine powers and I can see the future starting four years from now? That was why we went to such length to meet that kid, are you still questioning me?" the kid's face had turned red in anger. He was already upset at the way he was thrown out of Whittemore house and this guard of his was also being such a nuisance now.

"N-No your highness. I apologize. I was just curious," Charles bowed his head in shame. If this kid got really angry, who knew he could unleash the divine power on him? His whole family could be in danger. He could not let that happen.

"Don't repeat the mistake then," the kid chided his guard and started walking towards his carriage. He had to find out if the plot changed somewhere other than his transmigration to this body of the third prince. He could not marry that obnoxious main character as she was now. But there was a huge change in this world already and that girl had already taken steps to change it.

Was it possible that someone around her got transmigrated and that's why the novel changed? As much as he would want to live out his life independently but there was a huge chance that if he did not take steps to go along with the plot, he would be killed as a part of struggle for throne. That could not happen! He had to keep the original plot!