Cuteness Overload

The moment Kim Su Won stepped out of the carriage, her head bowed down for she was still not used to these horse carriages, she saw a pale hand stretched out for her.

The flawless skin on the hand was much better than those of idols she had visited in her past life, and those girls really took care of themselves. She raised her head in confusion, only to find the golden haired angel standing in front of her, smiling.

She could tell that it was not a genuine smile but she also did not know his intentions. By the novel, his mother was not very fond of Emmeline Whittemore as a crown princess candidate. And since the crown prince was a complete 'mama's boy', there was no reason for him to approach her.

What was he thinking? She stared at his face which did not have any other expression at all. Despite being the 'adult', she could not read him.

Reasoning that perhaps he was using her to get rid of Katherine, Kim Su Won decided to help this poor prince out. After all, he was the character she related with the most when she was reading the novel. A kid who was manipulated by his mother all throughout the novel, she empathized with him.

She even decided to take the path of becoming the crown princess precisely because she wanted to help Aaron out. Four years was very short yet very long time. If she had already changed the fates of people, then she might as well change her favorite character's.

"Thank you your highness," she replied as he helped her down from the carriage. Ivan and Alex were stunned while Katherine was gnashing her teeth.

Katherine really did not have anything against this kid. She had not even shown any interest towards the crown prince, so she had heaved a sigh of relief. At least one competitor was out. But this display, it was as if these two had known each other since before.

What if the crown prince had fallen for this stupid girl? Was it her kindness that charmed him? She needed to act upon it!

She was, unfortunately, the first person to deboard the carriage and could not make the crown prince help her out as well.

Kim Su Won started walking towards her brother and Alex but she realized that Aaron had not let her hand go. She looked at their hands and then at Aaron who was just standing there, smiling as before. Realizing that he was still looking for help from her, she slightly frowned.

This was definitely the case of giving an inch and taking a mile. He had certainly realized that she had randomly helped him out at the carriage. Ugh! Fine! She started it, so she had to take it all the way…

She smiled back and then wrapped her arm around his, in a very bold move. It was unheard of in this era. A girl, who was not even an officially recognized candidate just yet, was clinging on to the third highest ranking person in the kingdom, just after the king and the queen.

"W-what are you doing?" Aaron flicked her arm in front of everyone. His face had turned red like an apple. That touch, although weird, felt nice. He suddenly felt guilty looking at Emmeline's pitiful face.

Katherine was finding delight, finally he was as annoyed with that Emmeline Whittemore as her. Hmph! Served her right.

For Kim Su Won, this was a win win situation. If he continued with the façade, great! He would owe her one.

If he did not like it and embarrassed her like this, she was basically pushing him away with her attitude. The crown princess, regardless of how much crown prince liked her or not, would be someone with high level knowledge and elegance. In that case, he could hate her all he wanted, she just needed to work on herself.

"W-We apologize for her rudeness, your highness," Audrey stepped forward and took over the reins.

Kim Su Won clicked her tongue. These formalities and these parents. Parents needed to let the kids handle it themselves. Were they suddenly fearful of their position as her parents and their dukedom? Hah! Talk about pretentious!

Aaron, being in close proximity of Emmeline, heard her. Amused, he turned around to look at her. She was much too fearless! Was she not worried about her family at all?

"Your highness the crown prince, I was just trying to bond with my new friend. I apologize if I crossed any lines," Kim Su Won pouted. She was still a kid in the eyes of everyone. Her teary eyes pricked the hearts of everyone present.

Yes, she was just twelve years old and also was yet to get proper lessons in etiquette. It was just a beginning for her. She did not understand the boundaries between males and females just yet. And her cute demeanor made everyone want to forgive her. Everyone except the females – neither Katherine nor Audrey or Cecilia were thrilled at the melting gazes of the men.

Aaron felt a pang in his heart. He was the one who wanted to depend on the kid for shooing away Katherine Richmond but he scolded her for nothing. Plus, what did she say? New friend? Did she consider him as her friend now?

He did not have friends at all, especially because of his position. Could he finally call one his friend? He could not deny the thrill he felt at the word.

"Emma! How can you disrespect the crown prince like this?" Audrey grabbed her arm forcefully. Finally, a chance to admonish this girl and take some well deserved revenge on her. This girl, since the day she had woken up, had become a thorn in her flesh. Nothing was going right since that unfortunate day.

"Ahem," Aaron Chadbourne cleared his throat. "Madam, please do not be angry. I was just flustered earlier. It is alright," he said, almost stepping in front of the kid in a protective stance.

Kim Su Won's smile deepened at her victory. No matter what, the genes of Emmeline Whittemore were quite great. She was pretty and cute. Even if she acted mature all the time, just one whine and people melted left and right. Could this be her power?

"Your highness, let us go inside first. Even if she is a kid, she still needs to learn her manners. Emma, you are grounded for a month and will reflect on your actions," Harold Whittemore said sternly. He could not punish her harshly since the crown prince seemed to have forgiven her.

But he could also not let her off the hook. She was taking too many liberties. It could really put them in trouble.

"Thank you father, I will learn my manners properly," Kim Su Won still pouted, her slightly chubby cheeks had fluffed up. Tears loomed at the corner of her eyes and her rosy cheeks had become deep red shade. They further plucked the strings in everyone's hearts.

Cecilia and Katherine chewed their handkerchiefs. This lass, she could really act!

"My lord, we should not let our guests wait. Let's go in," Isaac whispered and then addressed the crown prince. "Your highness, everything is ready. Please have some rest here before the lunch."

Everyone went inside the duke's castle, Kim Su Won glad at her victory.