
"Emmeline Whittemore!!" Audrey Lazarus yelled at her daughter while other people gasped at Kim Su Won's bold request, including Isaac. This girl! She was going to ruin Cecilia's chances completely at this marriage.

At this moment, even Ivan thought of Emma as a kid. Who asks for a house from their brother in law? Only Cecilia and Kim Su Won were the calm people here.

The request came about because Cecilia had already told Daniel about how her second meeting with him happened because of her younger sister. They both were thankful to her and Kim Su Won knew that. She was not bold for no reason. That was also why her gift was the most expensive and precious out of them all.

Kim Su Won did not hear anyone, she just stared straight into Daniel Stonia's eyes. After a dumbfounded moment, Daniel burst into hearty laughter.