The Final Lesson - II

"W-What are you even talking about?" Completely confused, Agnes had no choice but to really yell at the elders. She felt as if they were trying to make her go insane. What the heck were they even talking about? Was this some form of gaslighting?

"Oh holy maiden, please quell your anger," the first elder pleaded with her in a loud voice and then the others followed suit, pleading to her in sync. Agnes became so scared that she wanted to wake up from this weird dream right away.

This could not have been the real world. This had to be a figment of her imagination. Perhaps she had stressed herself too much and her brain was making up stuff. Or maybe she was still under the influence of some drug administered by these very people or someone else.. She felt as if someone was playing a joke with her, She felt so lonely, like a foreigner amongst her own people.