What Do You Choose?

"H-How can I do that? They will find me and they will kill both of us!" Agnes was tempted by the offer. Of course she wanted to leave from here and never come back. However, she had to think about the kids that were being mistreated and killed too! And what about all these transmigrated people?

"See… from my experience, there are more continents out there. Even if this is a different world, there is no way there is just one mass. I see the sun and the moon and the stars are the same as my world. Then this has to be the same planet. And there have to be more continents out there. We will go somewhere like that, alright?" Ji Hana almost pleaded to Agnes.

The thing was, that she was too afraid to do this alone. With Agnes here, she would have some protection. Of course, she had also developed some affection for this girl who had her whole life uprooted, albeit in the same world while she had a similar fate, just from one world to another.