Grieve As Much As You Want

"I-I am sorry for my outburst back there, miss," the girl with kind brown eyes which were swollen now due to all the crying said, as her head hung low. Her always neatly combed brown hair was all over the place now. Her tight bun had fallen apart and her long locks were hanging loose over her shoulder. She felt so guilty that she just wanted to curl up into the fetal position and not come out of her room, ever.

They had hurried back home after Anna's meltdown. Kim Su Won had been with her friend throughout the journey back home, which was about twenty minutes. Anna had been sobbing the whole while in her miss's arms. Kim Su Won was very worried for her friend.

Even Mer understood that Anna was sad. He was constantly by her side, patting her hand slowly. Aaron was not happy how the maid had taken his time away with Kim Su Won but he let it go since Kim Su Won was not going to focus on him even if he insisted that she stayed with him there.