Jörmungandr narrowed his eyes at the light of the sun, his eyes beginning to water from the intensity of its glare—it had been centuries since the last time he'd seen the light of day.

Tears quietly tracked down his face, but he continued to stare at the sun, his face locked in a blank facade. The last time he'd seen this was when he was put to sleep...

"So, what do you think?"

Sunset gold eyes flickered to see the System, her bright, multicolored eyes flickering with excitement and triumph.

'... She's become drunk on it already...'

The influence that gods hold over humans tend to have a euphoric effect on them, new gods especially.

The System, who had only been recently introduced to the minds of humanity, had gained enough influence to achieve god status—which explained her current state, all daring-do and fluttering mad.

The pupils of his eyes seemed to sharpen as he observed before relaxing, and they flicked away, his blank expression remaining untouched by the intrusion.

"Oh c'mon, at least respond!"

He remained impassive at her reaction, his eyes too busy drinking in the world he hadn't seen in so long...

"... If you're going to just look at everything, can you at least get some clothes on?"


A slow blink was the only response to the System's complaint.

A long sigh was dragged from the woman before she grumbled, "Fine, I'll do it myself—I need to set up the admin for you anyway..."

A snap of the fingers, and suddenly, the feeling of dry and soft clothing surrounded him, the sensation new to him; he'd never worn clothes before, as he was only a serpent.

A short pause came between the god and the monster until one of them moved.

Jörmungandr sprang up to his feet and began walking down the slope of the hill lightly, as if he'd always had limbs.

"H-hey, where are you going?! I haven't even told you your purpose for being here!"

The shouts from the System were easily ignored by Jörmungandr, his long limbs speeding down the terrain easily, as if he was born to walk.

The System, who had unfortunately chosen an avatar who had short legs, had to run after Jörmungandr's longer gait.

"Don't you want to see your siblings again?!"

It was only then Jörmungandr stopped, and turned to face the panting god.