I Suggest Increasing the Difficulty

At the dining table, Bell and Scarlett were eating breakfast quietly.

Looking at Bell eating happily, Scarlett Johansson hesitated for a moment and said.

"There's something I want to discuss with you."

Bell froze and looked up at Scarlett.

"What's wrong? Why are you being so serious?"

"Actually, I am going to shoot a movie soon. I want to invite you to act with me. I wonder if you have time."

Scarlett said.

Actually, after Bell signed the contract, Scarlett had already thought about it.

It was simply impossible to gain five million followers in three months.

But the contract was signed, and Scarlett couldn't say anything else.

Although she felt that it was impossible, she still decided to help Bell.

She found a very reasonable explanation for herself.

Bell had once saved her life.

There was an old saying in China: a drop of water should be returned with a spring.