Quick Face-Slapping, Double Happiness

Instantly, many people in front of the screen were disappointed in Bell.

Some people even criticized Bell for not saving them.

Scarlett Johansson and the other female celebrities gritted their teeth angrily when they saw the comments.

"These two people were the ones who provoked Bell earlier, but now that they can't get down, the responsibility is pushed to Bell? This is too much!"

Natalie Portman was also very angry.

There were too many hypocrites on the screen, and they had no choice.

The next second, Bell said.

"But I have a way to let them endure for a while."

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up.

Bell continued.

"This is the wilderness after all. I don't have any tools on me. They have climbed so high, so I can't go to save them."

"But I can teach them some rock climbing techniques to let them hold on to the rock wall for a while. Maybe they can endure till the rescue team arrives."

Bell said slowly.