Refining Salt From Seawater

"F*ck! What's going on? Why can't I send messages?"

The fat middle-aged man cursed.

Looking at the lively live-stream on the screen, the man gritted his teeth.

Bell had no idea what was going on in the live-stream.

At this moment, he had already carried the corpse of the bull shark and swam back to the shore.

"We have to get out of here as soon as possible. The smell of blood will attract more predators."

"Danger is also everywhere in the water."

"But we're undoubtedly lucky this time. This bull shark can provide us with food for a while."

Bell said to the audience.

Seeing Bell walk ashore, Scarlett, Johnson, Keira Knightley, and the other women quickly surrounded him.

"How are you, Bell? Are you okay?"

Scarlett looked nervous.

"Sorry, I was too willful."

Keira also looked guilty.

At the same time, they looked at Bell with gratitude.

If not for Bell, she might have died.