Modification of the Raft

Everything was prepared.

The sky was gradually turning dark.

Scarlett and the others were gradually getting used to life on the island.

Even without Bell's guidance, they could search for food on this beach.

This made Bell feel relieved.

As for Bell, he was busy making the bamboo raft.

There was no rope on the island.

Therefore, Bell still chose the previous method.

He used the fibers of the banana tree to weave the ropes.

While busy with his work, Bell did not forget to explain his actions to the audience in the live-stream.

"Back in the primeval forest in Shennongjia, I remember saying that in this wilderness, ropes are an important tool second only to knives."

"Only by being in the wilderness can you understand the meaning of this sentence."

"Whether it is building a shelter or making tools, even drilling wood to start a fire, rope is an indispensable tool."