Hunting Success

The camera slowly turned after Bell left.

By the time everyone saw Bell clearly, he was already five meters away.

In other words, in that instant, Bell had already run 5 meters away.

This speed was terrifying.

The audience couldn't help but secretly swallow their saliva.

"This… this… Bell's speed!"

Everyone was shocked.

Soon, perhaps because of the sound made by Bell or the smell on Bell, the five dingoes turned their heads in Bell's direction.

Clearly, they had discovered Bell.

At this moment, Bell was less than 70 meters away from them.

Seeing that a creature dared to charge at them, the five simple-minded dingoes were clearly stunned.

In this wilderness, the Australian wild dogs were definitely at the top of the food chain. There was almost no creature they did not dare to hunt.

However, the aura and the greed in Bell's eyes shocked them.

The five dingoes felt danger from Bell.