Another Draw, Frost Bloodline

Bell wolfed down the remaining dog meat.

With food to replenish his energy, Bell finally recovered. He touched his stomach in satisfaction and heaved a sigh of relief.

The sky was gradually turning dark. Bell sat beside the fire and chatted with the audience.

"I have to say, compared to before, today's activity was a little more exciting.

But no matter what, we survived. We had a full meal and made our shelter.

I am looking forward to tomorrow's challenges.

I believe I will return to the civilized world soon. "

"The live broadcast for today will end here. I need to have a good sleep to replenish my energy. See you tomorrow."

Knowing that Bell was going to rest, the audience in the live-stream also left.

However, there were also some who remained in the live-stream to support Bell's popularity, even though they knew that Bell was no longer doing the live-stream.