Soft Gold

After successfully escaping danger, Bell heaved a sigh of relief.

"When I was on its back, I felt like I was on a tractor while it's moving in the fields."

As he spoke, Bell suddenly thought of something. He unzipped his jacket and pulled out Reserve Food hidden inside.

This little guy was still trembling.

After being pulled out, it still looked innocent and wanted to crawl back in.

Seeing this timid appearance, Bell rolled his eyes.

Seeing that the little guy was fine, Bell ignored it and put it aside.

After the small Reserve Food was placed on the ground, it saw the fallen black bear corpse and was shocked again.

It slipped behind Bell.

Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, it popped its head out and looked in the direction of the black bear.

Realizing that this big guy had not moved, it became much bolder.

It slowly walked out from behind Bell.