Green Anaconda

Recalling the green anaconda, Bell shook his head.

"To be honest, this is the last creature I want to meet in this forest.

Because the way they kill their prey is too cruel.

Although they look slippery, their strangulation ability is definitely at the top of the food chain.

Normally, when they hunt, they use their incomparably powerful strength to wrap around their prey until it suffocates.

When an adult green anaconda captures its prey, it can exert 15 pounds of strength per square centimeter.

With the thick body of the green anaconda, if it wraps around us, our chests and bones will probably instantly shatter.

After all, it can instantly release 90 PSI. That's nearly three tons of weight sitting on our chests.

Adult green anacondas sometimes even chose to hunt black caiman.

Their thick muscles are so strong that even the four-meter-long black caiman is not their match. "