The Importance of Shelter

Feeling the temperature from the fire, Bell heaved a sigh of relief.

"The feeling of warmth is really good."

As the temperature rose, Bell's hands gradually regained feeling.

While his hands regained feeling, Bell decided to finish the rest of his work as soon as possible.

After all, it was already getting dark.

While his fingers were still agile, Bell cut the holes in the ice wall.

He only needed to insert the wooden stick into the hole and the wooden bed would be completed in a moment.

Moreover, when he was digging the hole, Bell deliberately left some gaps so that he could move the fire below to keep warm when he slept.

The fire moved to the bottom of the wooden bed. The rising hot air could make it warmer.

Lying on the wooden bed and looking at the setting sun, Bell straightened his expression.

"We have to build a roof above to increase the concealment of the shelter.