Extreme Low Temperature, Tundra Wolf

Looking at the footprints ahead, Bell suddenly frowned and stopped.

"Unfortunately, this roe deer suddenly changed direction. It's different from what we expected."

This situation made it difficult for Bell to choose.

He was really pressed for time. The journey he had to travel every day was fixed.

If he continued to track this deer, he would undoubtedly waste a lot of time.

Most importantly, he was not completely confident that he could capture the prey.

But Bell, who had been hungry for a day, really needed food to replenish the proteins in his body.

In this environment, it was very difficult to find food.

If he could have a hot meal, not only could he replenish his stamina, but he could also feel much better.

It was also a form of spiritual comfort.

After some thought, Bell finally chose a compromise.

"We can't give up on traveling for food. But we cannot miss the food too.